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Gets a pagelet and specifies its cache expiration.



pagename (required)
The name of a pagelet.
d (optional)
Device Group Suffix(a string that is common suffix of all the templates written for current device group). For example, if d ='Touch' and parameter tname = 'HomeLayout', the tag will try to find a template with name tname_d i.e. HomeLayout_Touch. If it exists, the tag will call this template, otherwise will simply call the template 'HomeLayout' i.e. actual tname provided.


satellite:page inserts a pagelet using the specified parameters. If the specified pagelet is already cached on this Sites-Satellite, satellite:page requests the page from Sites, then loads it. If the specified pagelet is not already cached on this Sites-Satellite, satellite:page caches it and loads it. Scoping for the satellite:page tag is set to STACKED. Cookies must be enabled for the satellite:page tag to function properly.


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Oracle JSP Tag Reference
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