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Streams additional editing widgets allowing content contributors to edit multivalued asset fields in a dedicated popup window



field (required)
Indicates the name of the edited field.

assetid (optional)
Indicates the id of the edited asset.
Defaults to the value of the cid variable, i.e. the value returned by ics.GetVar("cid").

assettype (optional)
Indicates the type of the edited asset.
Defaults to the value of the c variable, i.e. the value returned by ics.GetVar("c").

mode (optional)
see the mode attribute of insite:edit.

editor (optional)
see the editor attribute of insite:edit.

params (optional)
see the params attribute of insite:edit.

countervar (optional)
Designates a variable containing a 1-based index. This attribute is used when insite:list is combined with nested insite:edit tags and the values are rendered in an order which doesn't match the field ordering.

Alternatively, the index attribute of each nested insite:edit tag can be used for the same purpose.


insite:list typically wraps an area rendering multivalued field values. It can be used:

In editing mode, the tag generates a toolbar, displayed when the content contributor hovers over the wrapped area. This toolbar allows contributors to access a dedicated popup window showing all field values. In this popup, contributors can edit field values, but also add, remove and reorder them.

In any other rendering mode, this tag does not generate any markup.



The following example enables editing the multivalued teaserText field of the asset determined by the c and cid variables:

For more information about editing assets in web mode, see "Coding Templates for In-Context Content Editing" in the Sites Developer's Guide.

See Also



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