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Updates or clears values in columns for a row in a table using ics:catalogmanager.



ftcmd (required)
Value must be set to updaterow2.

tablename (required)
Name of the table containing the row to be updated.

columnname (optional)
Each column in the row to be modified, columnname is a table column name.  In absence tablekey and tablevalue attributes specified, one of the columnnames must be primary key for the table.

urlcolumnname_folder (optional)
Subfolder name to store the uploaded file. The file is then stored under the upload folder and the subfolder. The upload folder is specified in the SystemInfo table's defdir column. You can have multiple upload columns.

Upload columns are designated by the prefix url. The column name in the table must begin with url (for example, urltext). The argument name must include the table's column name with _folder appended to the column name (for example, urltext_folder).

columnname_file (required for non-binary files)
Name of the file you want to upload. The column name in the table must begin with url (for example, urltext). The argument name must have _file appended to the table's column name (for example, urltext_file).

tablekey (optional)
Use the tablekey parameter if you want to update rows based on a value other than the primary key. The value of tablekey is the column name of the column you use to perform the update.
tablekeyvalue (optional)
Value in the tablekey columm of the row you want to update. This parameter is required only if the tablekey parameter is used.

updaterowNullColumns (optional)
A comma-separated list of columns that are to be cleared if no data is supplied when the user submits a form.

Note that if this list is supplied, other columns are ignored and is not cleared.


Like ics:catalogmanager.updaterow , updaterow2 updates values in columns for a row in a table; however, in contrast to updaterow, which does not allow you to clear columns, updaterow2 allows you to clear columns if there is no value for the specified column (for example, if there is no related field in the form, or if the field on the form was left blank).

Error Numbers

The possible values of errno include:

No such table.
No table definition.
Database error.


The following example clears the contents of quantity column in ExamplesTable for id=100

Orignal data

id description quantity
100 Apple 100
102 Grape 300
    <ics:argument name="ftcmd" value="updaterow2"/>
    <ics:argument name="tablename" value="ExampleTable"/>
    <ics:argument name="id" value="100"/>
    <ics:argument name="description" value="Apple"/>
Changed data
id description quantity
100 Apple  
102 Grape 300


See Also

The following ics:catalogmanager commands:




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