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Adds a member to a group



name (required)
Unique identifier for the name of the entry to which members are being added. The value is relative to the baseDN property.

member (required)
The name of the entry to add as a member (usually, but not required to be, a user). The value is relative to the baseDN property, but is changed into the fully qualified distinguished name prior to adding as a value to the CS.Property.dir.uniquemember attribute.

Error Numbers

The possible values of errno include:

Implementation doesn't support this operation
Unexpected naming exceptions from JNDI provider.
A required property missing, or class name specified for factory classes is in error.
Unexpected schema violation errors from JNDI provider.
General error in the syntax of an IName.
Unexpected invalid attribute exceptions from JNDI provider
Unexpected invalid attribute id exceptions from JNDI provider.
Unexpected invalid attribute value exceptions from JNDI provider.
User does not have permission to perform the operation.
Node cannot be deleted because it has children.
Unexpected JNDI read error.
Unexpected JNDI write error.
JNDI attribute already in use.
User is already a member.
User is not valid.
Unexpected JNDI connection errors.
Required attribute missing.
Unknown error.
Missing required create attribute.
User create SQL failure.
User delete SQL failure.
Cannot delete user attributes.
SQL error.
Query failed.
Add attribute SQL failed.
Database error occurred while attempting to assign the user to a group.
Missing or invalid child argument tags for tag.


This tag adds a member to a group, but does not add a child to a group. The API implementation, not the client code, is responsible for checking that the member is a valid, existing distinguished name. If the specified entry is already a member, nothing is done.

In most SPIs, this entails adding the specified user's distinguished name to the set of values of the specified group's uniquemember attribute.

If the CS.Property.dir.referentialIntegrity property is turned on, the CS.Property.dir.member attribute (backlink) of the user is also be updated, if implemented by the SPI (e.g., the value in the property file is non-empty).


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