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Retrieves value of device capability and sets it in current ICS scope for a currently loaded device object.



name (required)
Input. Name assigned to the loaded device object whose capability value you want to get. This device must be loaded and assigned this name before you can pass its name to this tag. (See device:load )

capability (required)
Input. Name of the capability whose value you want to retrieve.You can look into the device repository for the device capability names.

output (required)
Input. Name of the output variable to create to store the value of the capability. If you do not supply a name for this variable, Sites uses one with the same name as the capability.


The device:capability tag retrieves device capability name and sets it in current ICS scope for a currently loaded device object.

You typically use this tag to extract the device information (from a loaded device object).

Error Numbers

Possible values of errno include:

The requested capability name is not supported by the loaded device.
No device object found with the given name.


See Also


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