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Informs the engine about the user's activities.



list (optional)
Input parameter. Name of the list of assets to be used as the input to inform the engine. Columns are assettype and assetid.

engine (optional)
Input parameter. This argument is used to optimize the recommendations using an external engine. This must be used in conjunction with engineparameters parameter.

engineparameters (optional)
Input parameter. This is a generic list of arguments required as parameters for the engine. This argument is used to optimize the recommendations using an external engine. This must be used in conjunction with the engine parameter.


This tag informs an external engine, of any user activity.

Integration with Oracle Real-Time Decisions (RTD)

To optimize the recommendations with RTD, set the engine parameter to rtd. Other RTD specific parameters must be provided via the engineparameters parameter which is a list with columns informant, sessionkey, and attributes.

Example code snippet:

The informant and sessionkey values are required.
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Oracle JSP Tag Reference
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