Generated Builds for Reported Data

When you report production or consumption, the following builds generate:

For information about backend processing logic, see Trigger Builds.

The build generation date is the same as the NetSuite posting date. If data processing fails, a message displays in the Mfg Mobile - Work Messages record. The Transaction Ref # displays in the Mfg Mobile - Production Reporting and Mfg Mobile - Material Consumption records.

Real Time Builds

Real time builds generate whenever you report production quantity or consumption quantity.

Manufacturing Mobile supports default real time build when you create work orders. The Real Time Build box is checked on the Manufacturing Mobile Work Order Form (Mfg Mobile - Work Order Form).

For non wip work orders, real time build is initiated only when you report production. For WIP work orders, a completion transaction is initiated when production is reported. The issue transaction is initiated when consumption is reported.

The Submit Work option is unavailable in the mobile scanner. No action is required to submit or process data in NetSuite.

To manually trigger when ERP transactions are recorded, you must disable real time build. The Submit Work option is available in the mobile scanner. You must tap this option to submit or process data in NetSuite.


It is advisable not to disable the Real Time Build box.

For more information, see Disabling a Real Time Build.

Submit Work Builds

Submit work builds generate when you submit work. For more information, see Reporting Data for Standalone Assembly Build.

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