Modifying a Terminated Employee’s Record

Use the following procedure to modify a terminated employee’s record.

To modify a terminated employee’s record:

  1. Go to Lists > Employees > Employees.

  2. On the Employees list, click Edit next to the terminated employee’s name.

  3. Click the Human Resources subtab.

  4. In the Termination/Release Date field, enter the last working day for the employee. Choose this day based on one of these possibilities:

    • To terminate the employee as of today or a past date, enter the appropriate date. Note that if you terminate an employee on today's date, the termination will take effect immediately and the employee will lose their access to NetSuite. If you want the employee to still access NetSuite on their last day of employment, you can terminate their employment at the end of the workday.

    • If you are using the Effective Dating feature and you want to terminate the employee on a future date, enter that future date.


    Future-dated changes are made shortly after 12:00:01 am Pacific Time on the specified date.

    If you use Termination Reason Tracking, you must enter the following:

    1. Termination Category - Select whether the termination is voluntary or involuntary. Voluntary indicates the employee ended their employment and involuntary indicates the company ended the employment.

    2. Termination Reason - Select the reason for the termination. For more information, see Managing Termination Reasons.

    3. Termination Regretted - Select if the termination is regretted. A regretted termination indicates that the company regards the termination as a loss. A non-regretted termination indicates that the company does not see the termination as a loss. Select Unspecified from the list to untrack this information.

    4. Termination Details - Enter details of the termination.

  5. Modify any other fields as required. For more information, see Entering Human Resources Information for an Employee.

  6. Click the Access subtab.

  7. Remove all access permissions and assigned user roles.

  8. Click the System Information subtab.

  9. Check the Inactive box if you do not want this employee’s record to appear in lists or as choices anywhere in your account.

    To view inactivated employee records or reactivate them, go to Lists > Employees > Employees, and check the Show Inactives box.


    You should also clear the Give Access box to revoke access for the employee. If you want to inactivate all roles of the employee, and the employee is also a partner, customer, or vendor, you must revoke access and inactivate those records, too.

  10. Click Save.


    You cannot delete an employee record that has any associated transactions.

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