Printing the GL Impact for a Transaction

NetSuite includes the ability to print general ledger impact statements for posting and non-posting transactions. The printing template can also be customized. You can print GL impact statements for all accounting books, including secondary books. You can also print separate GL impact statements for each subsidiary for intercompany journals. They respect user permissions and restrictions related to the general ledger, and users can only print GL impact statements which they have access to.


Your role must have the Edit level Search/Reporting Access permission for a custom segment to display it on the statement. For more information on how to set this permission, see Granting Roles Permission to Use Segments in Searches and Reports.

GL Impact statements can be generated as either PDF or HTML files and is controlled by user preference. The default setting is to generate PDF files. To generate HTML files, go to Home > Set Preferences, select the Transactions subtab, and select the Print Using HTML option.


To print a GL Impact statement, the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates feature at Setup > Company > Enable Features in the SuiteCloud subtab must be enabled.

To customize the GL impact statement template:

When the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates feature is enabled, a Standard GL Impact PDF/HTML Template is part of the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates list at Customization > Forms > Advanced PDF/HTML Templates. Click the Customize link next to the template’s name to customize the template.

For more information on customizing Advanced PDF/HTML Templates, see Advanced PDF/HTML Templates.

To print the GL impact statement for one transaction:

  1. Open a supported transaction and from the Actions list, select GL Impact.

  2. Click Print to create a PDF or HTML file containing the GL Impact for the transaction. This file can be saved or printed.

To print the GL impact statement directly from a transaction:

  1. Open a supported transaction.

  2. Point to the Print icon and click Print GL Impact.

To print the GL impact statement for multiple transactions:

  1. Go to Transactions > Management > Print Checks and Forms and click the GL Impact link.

  2. Select the Printing Template to use. This dropdown list will default to the template marked Preferred, and also includes any other GL Impact printing templates you have created and have access to at Customization > Forms > Advanced PDF/HTML Templates.

  3. Select which transaction types you want to print the GL impact for.

  4. Select whether you want to print the GL impact for posting, non-posting, or all transactions of the selected types.

  5. Enter a date or date range for transactions to include.

  6. (Optional) Check the Exclude Transactions Without GL Lines box to filter out transactions without GL impact. You can only do this for the primary accounting book.

  7. Check the Allow Reprinting box to be able to reprint previously printed transactions. When you check this box, all documents appear at the bottom of the page in segments.

  8. The list of transactions at the bottom of the form will adjust based on your selections. Select which transactions from this list to print by selecting the Print checkbox next to each transaction.

    Click the Customize button to add or remove columns to the list of transactions.

  9. Click Print to create a PDF or HTML file containing the GL Impact for the transactions. This file can be saved or printed.

Printing the GL Impact per Subsidiary

You can print separate GL impact statements for transactions with multiple lines assigned to different subsidiaries (for example, an intercompany journal). NetSuite will print a statement for each subsidiary in the transaction. To use this preference, first enable the Print GL Impact per Subsidiary user preference at Home > Set Preferences > Transactions subtab > Printing.

When you print a transaction with lines assigned to different subsidiaries, NetSuite will generate separate impact statements for each subsidiary. For example, if you print an intercompany journal with two lines assigned to Subsidiary A and two lines to Subsidiary B, NetSuite will generate one page with the 2 lines for Subsidiary A, and another page with the 2 lines for Subsidiary B.


Your role must have the Edit level Search/Reporting Access permission for a custom segment to display it on the statement. For more information on how to set this permission, see Granting Roles Permission to Use Segments in Searches and Reports.

Printing the GL Impact Using SuiteScript

You can print the general ledger impact for transactions using SuiteScript 2.0. The following example, SuiteScript 2.0 is used to print the GL Impact of an invoice with internal ID 18 using GL impact custom template 101:

            require(['N/render', 'N/email'],
    function(render, email) {
    function RenderPdfTest() {
        var newfile = render.glImpact({
            internalId: 18,
            printMode: render.PrintMode.PDF,
            printPerSubsidiary: true,
            subsidiaries: [1,3],
            accountingBooks: [1],
            template: 101 });
        email.send({author: -5,
        recipients: [''],
        subject: 'SS2.0 GL Impact',
        body: 'Please see the GL Impact in the attachment',
        attachments: [newfile] });


InternalId and printMode are mandatory parameters, and all other parameters are optional. If you do not specify the template ID, NetSuite uses the default template. The subsidiaries parameter is ignored when printPerSubsidiary =false.

Using Parameters in a GET Request

You can use parameters to customize the GL impact output when you use a GET request to hotprint. The request /app/accounting/print/ can accept the following additional parameters: print per subsidiary, subsidiary and accounting book. The following example passes multiple parameters for subsidiary and accounting book:

              /app/accounting/print/ id=18&printtype=glimpact&printsubsidiary=false&accountingbooks=1&accountingbooks=2&subsidiaries=1&subsidiaries=2&subsidiaries=3 


For more information, see the following articles:

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