Custom Fields for Checkout

The SC Custom Fields extension lets you add custom transaction body fields to the checkout application in Commerce websites. You can use these fields to request or provide additional information, such as shipping instructions, special order requests, and delivery time slots.

SC Custom Fields lets you add text, check box, and date-type transaction body fields to Commerce websites. You can add custom fields before or after existing checkout modules. For example, you can include fields before shipping method, billing address, or payment method blocks in the standard checkout flow.

To display custom transaction body fields in the Checkout application of your site, perform the following steps:

  1. Create Custom Fields for Checkout

  2. Configure Custom Fields for Checkout

Create Custom Fields for Checkout

To add new fields to Checkout, you must create custom transaction body fields in your NetSuite account. For more information about how to create custom fields in NetSuite, see Creating Custom Transaction Body Fields.


The SC Custom Fields extension only supports transaction body fields. To implement custom item, custom transaction line, and custom transaction item option fields, see Create Custom Fields by Customizing Templates.

The SC Custom Fields extension allows the following transaction body field types:

  • Check Box

  • Date

  • Text Area

  • Long Text

  • Free-Form Text

When you create a transaction body field for the SC Custom Fields extension, be aware of the following:

  • The Field Type must match the field type you want to include in the checkout application.

  • The Web Store and Sale fields must be checked in the Applies To subtab.

  • If you select the Mandatory box in the Validation & Defaulting subtab, the field is required for all domains and you must mark it as required in the SuiteCommerce Configuration record for all the domains of your website.

    If you want the new transaction body field to be required in only one domain, you should mark the field as required in the configuration of that domain only. You do not need to mark it as mandatory during creation.

  • The subtab where you want to display the custom field on the Sales Order record should be selected in the Display subtab. Otherwise, the field is shown in the Custom subtab of the Sales Order record.


The character limitation for the custom fields in Commerce websites is set by the field type in NetSuite. For more information about the limits, see Field Type Descriptions for Custom Fields.

When you have created your custom transaction body fields, you are ready to Configure Custom Fields for Checkout.

Configure Custom Fields for Checkout

Use the SC Configuration record to choose which fields to add to Checkout and how they display. You can also set feedback messages that display to users on your site.

Consider the following points when determining the order and positioning of your custom fields:

  • You can add a custom field before or after a standard checkout module. For example, if your SC site uses the standard checkout flow, you can add custom fields before or after the shipping method block in the Shipping Address page.

  • If you want to change the order of existing modules in the checkout application, you should do this before adding new custom fields. For more information, see Reorder Checkout Modules.

  • The order in which you list custom checkout fields in the Custom Fields subtab of the SC Configuration record determines the order of the custom fields in Checkout.


Only custom transaction body fields are supported by the SC Custom Fields extension for the Checkout Application. Standard NetSuite transaction body fields cannot be used.

To configure Custom Fields for Checkout:

  1. In NetSuite, go to Commerce > Websites> Configuration.

  2. Select the website and domain where the Custom Fields extension is activated and click Configure.

  3. Go to the Extensions tab.

  4. In the Custom Fields subtab, set the following fields:

    Messaging Fields:



    Required Field Warning Message

    Sets the message to display when the user leaves a required field blank.

    The placeholder [[field]] is replaced by the field name automatically.

    Required Fields General Warning

    Sets the message to display at the top of the page when the user leaves a required field blank.

    Loading Message

    Sets the message to display when the custom fields are loading.

    Loading Error Message

    Sets the message to display when an error occurs while loading.

    Saving Error Message

    Sets the message to display when an error occurs while saving.

    Checkout Custom Fields:

    For each custom field you want to include in Checkout, insert a row in the Checkout Custom Fields table, and complete the following fields as needed.



    Field ID

    Links the field ID of the custom field you want to employ with a Checkout field.

    To find the field ID, go to Customization > Lists, Records & Fields > Transaction Body Fields and open the Transaction Body Field record.


    Determines the position in Checkout where the custom field appears.


    Determines the module in Checkout on which the custom field’s position is based.

    You can choose from the following Checkout modules:

    • Shipping Address

    • Shipping Method

    • Gift Certificate

    • Payment Method

    • Review Shipping

    • Review Payment

    • Terms and Conditions

    Field Type

    Determines the type of the custom field.

    The Field Type must be identical to the Field Type selected in the Transaction Body Field record.


    Sets the label for the custom field to display to users.


    Sets the placeholder text to display in the custom field.


    If checked, makes the custom field required for a user in Checkout.

    You must check this box if the Mandatory field is checked on the Transaction Body Field record.

  5. Click Save.

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