Configure a Contact Form

Configure properties to customize your contact form and make it ready for use. You can set the form fields and determine aspects such as field positioning, feedback messages, and additional fields. The following procedures explain how to:

Configure Properties in NetSuite

To set up the Map & Contact extension, you must select your preferences in NetSuite.

To configure properties in NetSuite :

  1. After activating the Map & Contact extension for a domain, go to Commerce > Websites > Configuration.

    For more information about activating an extension, see Manage Themes and Extensions.

  2. Select the website and domain where you want to set up the extension and click Configure.

  3. Go to the Extensions tab.

  4. In the Map & Contact subtab, set the following fields:



    Associate Leads To

    This determines the subsidiary with which you want the lead to be associated.

    This field automatically populates with the default subsidiary for your site, as set in the website record. Change this property to associate the contact form leads with a different or additional subsidiaries. If you are using SC Map & Contact version 1.1.1 or earlier and change this field from the default setting, you must edit the deployment record in NetSuite. For more information, see Link Contact Form Leads to a Subsidiary.

    Default First Name

    This sets the default text to display in the First Name field of the Lead record if a first name is not supplied by the user.

    Default Last Name

    This sets the default text to display in the Last Name field of the Lead record if a last name is not supplied by the user.

    Default Company

    This sets the default text to display in the Company field of the Lead record if a company is not supplied by the user.

    Default Subject

    This sets the default text to display in the Subject field of the Lead record if a subject is not supplied by the user.

  5. Click Save.

Link Contact Form Leads to a Subsidiary

This section only applies if you are using SC Map & Contact version 1.1.1 or earlier and changing the Associate Leads To field from the default company. If you are using SC Map & Contact version 1.1.2 or later, or if you are using SC Map & Contact version 1.1.1 or earlier and want to associate the leads to the default company, no further action is necessary.

If you are using SC Map & Contact version 1.1.1 or earlier and set the Associate Leads To field to a subsidiary that is not the default company, you must edit the deployment record to change the associated role.

To edit the deployment record:

  1. In NetSuite, go to Customization > Scripting > Scripts.

  2. Click View next to the NS SC SL Contact Us Form script.

  3. In the Deployments subtab, click the NS SC SL Contact Us Form deployment record.

  4. Click Edit.

  5. In the Execute As Role field, select the Administrator role.

  6. Click Save.

Configure General Settings

Set the general fields in SMT to set up your contact form.

To configure general settings:

  1. While logged in to SMT on your website, go to the page that contains the contact form.

  2. In the Contact Form box, click Edit.

    This displays the Contact Form Settings in the side panel.

  3. In the General tab, set the following fields:




    This sets a description of your new content.


    This sets the visibility option that determines when you would like to make the form visible.

    For more information about visibility options, see Visibility Dates.

    Form Header

    This specifies the information or instructions for the Contact Form.

    Create Lead As

    This determines how the contact information is stored in NetSuite.

    When the lead is created as an Individual, personal information, not company information, is stored in the individual’s lead record.

    When the lead is created as a Company, company information, not personal information, is stored in the company’s lead record.

    Create Support Case

    This determines if you want to create a Support Case record along with a lead.

    If you do not check the box, all fields that apply to support cases are ignored, even if visible and complete.

    Mandatory Field Reference

    This sets the text that displays to indicate form fields that are required.


    This sets keywords to help filter your content in the Review Changes list.

    For more information about content tags, see Content Tags and Filter Tools.

  4. Click Save.

Configure Contact Fields

SMT lets you configure multiple properties for each Contact Form field to determine how the form looks to users on your site. For each contact field appearing on your Contact Form, you choose the label, placeholder, help text, whether the field is required, and whether the field is visible.

To configure contact fields:

  1. While logged in to SMT on your website, go to the page that contains the contact form.

  2. In the Contact Form box, click Edit.

    This displays the Contact Form Settings in the side panel.

  3. In the Contact Fields tab, set your preferences for each of the following Contact Form fields, using the table below as a reference:

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Email

    • Phone

    • Company

    Field Type



    This sets the label for the Contact Form field.


    This sets the placeholder text to display in the Contact Form field.

    Help Text

    This sets the help text for the Contact Form field.


    This determines if the Contact Form field is required.


    This determines if the Contact Form field is hidden.

  4. Click Save.

Configure Messaging Fields

SMT lets you configure multiple properties for each Contact Form field to determine how the form looks to users on your site. For each messaging field appearing on the Contact Form of your site, you choose the label, placeholder, help text, whether the field is required, and whether the field is visible.

To configure messaging fields:

  1. While logged in to SMT on your website, go to the page that contains the contact form.

  2. In the Contact Form box, click Edit.

    This displays the Contact Form Settings in the side panel.

  3. In the Messaging Fields tab, set your preferences for each of the following Contact Form fields, using the table below as a reference:

    • Subject

    • Message

    Field Type



    This sets the label for the Contact Form field.


    This sets the placeholder text to display in the Contact Form field.

    Help Text

    This sets the help text for the Contact Form field.


    This determines if the Contact Form field is required.


    This determines if the Contact Form field is hidden.

  4. Click Save.

Configure an Additional Field

SMT lets you configure multiple properties for each Contact Form field to determine how the form looks to users on your site. In addition to the established Contact Form fields, you can add an additional field to better fit your needs. You customize this field by choosing the field type, label, placeholder, help text, whether the field is required, and whether the field is visible.

You first create the custom field in NetSuite, then use the Internal ID to connect the additional form field in SMT to the custom field record in NetSuite. For more information about creating a custom field in NetSuite, see Creating a Custom Field.

To configure an additional field:

  1. While logged in to SMT on your website, go to the page that contains the contact form.

  2. In the Contact Form box, click Edit.

    This displays the Contact Form Settings in the side panel.

  3. In the Additional Field tab, set your preferences for the additional form field, using the table below as a reference:



    Field Type — Additional Field

    This determines the field type for a customized additional field.

    The field type correlates to the custom field type in NetSuite. Supported custom field types in NetSuite include Free-Form Text, Date, Checkbox, and Text Area.

    The Free-Form Text field type in NetSuite is equivalent to the Text Input field type in SMT.

    Link to — Additional Field

    This determines if the additional field is linked to the lead or case.

    If you select Lead, the additional field is linked to the Lead record created with form submission. If you select Support Case, the additional field is linked to the Support Case record.

    For Lead records, an additional field is an Entity field type that applies to a Customer. For Support Case records, an additional field is a CRM field type that applies to a Case.

    Internal ID — Additional Field

    This requires the Internal ID from the custom field record in NetSuite.

    This field is required for the following field types: Text Input, Text Area, Date, and Checkbox.

    The Text field type is only for display and does not require an Internal ID.

    Label — Additional Field

    This sets the label for the additional field.

    Placeholder — Additional Field

    This sets the placeholder text to display in the additional field.

    Help Text — Additional Field

    This sets the help text for the additional field.

    Mandatory Additional Field

    This determines if the additional field is required.

    Hide Additional Field

    This determines if the additional field is hidden.

    There is a different Additional Field tab in SMT for each customized field you add.

  4. Click Save.

Configure Feedback Messages

You can determine the feedback messages shown to users by editing the feedback message fields in SMT.

To configure feedback messages:

  1. While logged in to SMT on your website, go to the page that contains the contact form.

  2. In the Contact Form box, click Edit.

    This displays the Contact Form Settings in the side panel.

  3. In the Feedback Messages tab, set the following fields:



    Success Message

    This sets the message to display upon successful form submission.

    Required Field Message

    This sets the message to display when a required field has been left blank.

    The required field’s label replaces the placeholder [[field]] automatically.

    Invalid Email Field Message

    This sets the message to display when an invalid email address has been entered.

    Submit Error Message

    This sets the message to display when there is an error during form submission.

  4. Click Save.

Configure the Layout and Style

You can customize the look of the contact form by setting the layout and style fields in SMT.

To configure the layout and style:

  1. While logged in to SMT on your website, go to the page that contains the contact form.

  2. In the Contact Form box, click Edit.

    This displays the Contact Form Settings in the side panel.

  3. In the Layout & Style tab, set the following fields:



    Button Text

    This sets the text to display on the submit button.

    If you leave this field blank, the button will not appear.

    Button Help Text

    This sets the help text for the submit button.

    Button Style

    This sets the button style.

    Hide Background Color

    This determines if the background color is hidden.

    Background color and padding can be customized using the Theme Customizer in SMT.


    This determines the field for this position.

    If the same field is selected for multiple positions, the ranking is ignored and default settings are applied.

  4. Click Save.

General Notices