Audit logs

When you log into your account, click on the 'user' icon in the very top-right of WFM. This will open up a side panel - you'll see 'Audit logs' from the list. Click 'Audit logs' to get started.


You will see the below interface:


How Read the Audit Log

Audit Logs lists actions performed by users, starting with the most recent:

How to read


The type of action performed. This is either a create, update, or delete.


Date & time the action was performed. This will show based on your current timezone, however if you download the CSV log, it will show time in GMT.


The user that performed the action.

IP address

The IP address of the network that the user which made this change was on.

The red numbers/letters after the IP address is a unique session/instance ID. This shows if actions were made in the same logged in session or not. For example, if a user logs in and makes a change, logs out, and then logs in again, it will show as a separate session and therefore different unique instance ID.


The relative field data was changed for. For example this could show a location name + week number if a schedule is published, the name of an employee with their shift times + location worked, or even an employee name (if updating personal details).


The type of data field which has been changed


The change made. Shows original value compared to updated value

If there was no data there originally then it will show a blank value

In the screenshot above, the first instance is of a location with week number attached. It is on the 'table' "Released Roster" meaning a roster/schedule has been released/sent out - and it is for Blacktown, week 21 2019.

The second instance is employee name @ a location - with a shift May 30, 2019. We can tell this is a scheduled shift by looking at the 'table', and it looks like we reassigned this shift which was previously a shift for Casey.

The third instance is just an employee's name - based on the 'table' of "Personal" - looks like a personal details field was changed. Taking a look at "Changes" it looks like the email address was updated.

Filter Audit Logs

To narrow the scope of data shown in Audit Logs, use one or more filters at the top of page.

To view only actions performed on a specific date/date period, select the date at the top

To view only certain types of data types/tables, click on “all types” search box at the top and start typing in a table type to view

You can also view particular Actions by using the drop down at the top - for example if you only want to view shift deletions, you would select “Delete” form the list

Here are some examples of information you may want to find using Audit Logs

View who published a schedule and date/time it was published

View who unpublished a schedule and when (eg make amendments to shifts)

Check whether any changes were made to shifts, including employees reassign & changing times

Payroll checking to see if actual shifts were added after a shift export was run

View who approved leave/availability - and when

Pinpoint if someone made changes to external integration configurations (e.g. unlinked Xero/MYOB locations/employees)

View changes to employee personal details

General Notices