Editing Week Reports

Week reports are used on a regular basis to notify employees and management on important information about a coming week, it is essential that you customize your reports to your liking.

Report Options

Each customized report will need to be assigned a name. This new named report will be available under your existing Shift Reports.

Next, you will need be able to select the required features for the report, such as the inclusion of the date. To change the selection simply click on the "off" slider to turn it on, and inversely.

There are two types of shifts to choose from, the "Scheduled Shifts" will create a report based on predicted stats, whereas the " Shifts" option will create a report from the data collected from a previous week.

Selecting " Shifts" will give an extra option, this option gives you the choice to segregate exported and un-exported shifts.

The "Multi-location report" option gives you the option to include multiple locations in the report.

Staff Labels

The next section is about how you want for your employees details to be displayed. You firstly have to choose the order of the employees name, this can be a mix of first name, last name, preferred name.

The next few options are self-explanatory, where you can choose to shorten their name with initials, to have their WFM ID showing, and whether you would like to have their mobile numbers showing.

The last option is the order of the names, whether it be in ascending order, or descending.

Column Headings

This section is mostly around the aesthetics of the report, focusing on whether you would like the day to be abbreviated or not; and the heading date format.

Another option is to choose whether you would like to include the total hours for each employee.


Grouping helps segregate different employees into sections, you can choose what time or grouping you want from the selection tab.

Again, you are also able to choose whether this is in ascending or descending order.

Shift Display

Shift display is the most important section as you will be able to select which key information is displayed on the report. (If a large amount of information is chosen to be displayed, privacy considerations may be applicable.)

The majority of the choices are self-explanatory, such as the first four options; these options focus on aesthetic features.

"Unspecified Breaks" will reduce the information given for breaks, this is helpful when employees are given breaks at a range of different times.

The next two options give you the option to include information about the employees job, and whether the color of the job shows up on the report.

The next few options focus on some key information that revolve around management. The "Show Hours" option is fairly straight forward; and the "Show Costs" option will add a new column on each day, this column will contain the daily costs for each employee.

If you have chosen to show the costs, another option "Show Salaried Costs" will appear.

The last two options are aesthetic features which make the report easier to understand. One of the two options is "Show Icon on Shift with Notes"; when a shift is changed and a note is added, a small icon will appear on that shift.

If the report is an " Report", a final option will appear, this option is "Show icon on shifts exported to payroll". This option applies an icon to any applicable shift.

Report KPIs

Having Key Performance Indicators on a report helps management evaluate key information; this section should only be used when creating reports for management. Every option will create another row below the shifts, this is so that it can clearly show any information for a specific day; at the end of each row there is a weekly total or average, depending on which option it is.

Total hours will create a row stating how many hours are being worked in a day from all of the employees for the location

Wage Cost and Sales will state the cost of the employees scheduled on for a day, and the amount of sales predicted/made for the day.

Labor percent is an option that will compare the wages of the employees to the sales.

Productivity shows how efficient the scheduled employees can be. If you have a small amount of low productivity employees on, you will be able to look at this report and change the schedule accordingly.

The next option is quite straight-forward, where it creates a wage average for all of the shifts on a particular day.

Labor Efficiency is a row that shows the difference from your set labor percent goal. for example If you set the goal to be $15000, and the wages cost $14600, the Labor efficiency would be $400.

KPI Options

KPI Options has one aesthetic choice that allows you to choose whether you would like the units for all of the options from "Report KPI" to show.


Footer gives the option to have small aesthetic features implemented onto the bottom of the page.

The first option will show what type of icons are being used in the report, and what they are.

The next option will let you choose to see any cost modifiers that a location has implemented.

The Shift Jobs Key is an option that gives a small list of each of the jobs and the colours that are affiliated with them.

Page numbers is self-explanatory.


The appendices tab allows you to create a section dedicated to extra information.

The first option will create an extra table which shows all of the shift notes for employees. (Notes such as "Clean the windows")

The next choice can add a list of all of the employees that don't currently have a shift.

The last three options are all of the same options from the "Footer" tab.

Report Permissions

Report Permissions will show a list of all of the groups that have access to the report.

General Notices