Finding Transactions
You can search for transactions in several ways.
To review or edit an existing transaction, select from these five procedures:
Quick Find
Use the Quick Find tool for a quick search for transactions and other items.
To find a transaction with the Quick Find tool:
On any Transaction page, click Quick Find
at the top of the page.
When the Quick Find page pops up, enter some information to help you find this transaction or related group of transactions:
In the Name field, select the company or contact from the list whose transactions you'd like to find.
In the Date field, enter or pick the posting date of the transactions you'd like to find.
In the Number field, enter the number of the transaction you'd like to find.
For example, enter 1135 to find check #1135.
Click Submit.
Previous or Next
Use the Previous or Next icon to see the transaction you want.
To find the previous or next transaction:
Click the Transactions tab.
Click the type of transaction you want to find.
On the transaction page, click Previous or Next
until you see the transaction you want.
Select the appropriate button to edit, print, email, credit, or otherwise work with this transaction.
Go To Register
Use the register to find a specific transaction.
To find a transaction through the register:
Click the Transactions tab.
Click the type of transaction you want to find.
On the transaction page, from the Actions list, select Go To Register.
If the transaction you want doesn't appear on the register, clear the Open box to see all transactions.
Click Submit.
On the full register, scroll to find the transaction you want.
Click the transaction date in the left-hand column to see the details. A view-only version of the transaction opens.
Select the appropriate button to edit, print, email, credit, or otherwise work with this transaction.
Search by Account
Use the chart of accounts to find a transaction.
To find a transaction by account:
Go to Lists > Accounting > Accounts.
Click the name of the account with the transactions you want to see.
For example, if you want to locate a recent invoice, click an Accounts Receivable account.
When the register appears, clear the Open box if you want to see all transactions.
Click Submit.
Scroll to find the transaction you want.
Click the transaction date in the left-hand column to see the details.
A view-only version of the transaction opens.
Select the appropriate button to edit, print, email, credit, or otherwise work with this transaction.
Search Transactions
Use the Search Transactions tool to find a transaction.
To find a transaction with the Search tool:
Go to Transactions > Management > Search Transactions.
The type of search form you see is the type of search you last used to search for transactions.
If you see the search fields you want to use, enter criteria in the fields and click Submit for quick results.
If you do not see fields displayed, you are using Advanced Search Mode. If you are not in Advanced Search Mode and do not see the fields you want to use, check the Use Advanced Search box at the top of the page.
In Advanced Search Mode, use the Criteria subtab to select the filters you want to use when searching.
In the criteria popup, enter criteria for that filter.
Click Add/Edit.
On the Results subtab, you can select the fields from the resulting transactions that you want to see on your results list.
Select a field, and click Add.
Note:For a transaction search, adding a field that has multiple values for one record causes that record to occur multiple times in the search result. Also, if results include a record with a link type that has multiple values for that record, duplicates occur in results, even if the link type field is not included as a search results field.
Click Submit to run the Search.
Related Topics
- Working with Transactions
- Creating Transactions
- Entering Transaction Line Items
- Entering Relationships on a Transaction
- Entering Communication Information to a Transaction
- Tips for Working with Transactions
- Voiding, Deleting, or Closing Transactions
- Memorized Transactions
- Preferred Transaction Delivery on Customer and Vendor Records
- Transaction Detail Report
- Transaction Detail Workbook Overview
- Limits for Display of Transaction Lists and Sublists