Creating a Contact Group
You can create a contact group from the contacts associated with an entity search or entity groups. If your company deals with customers, vendors, and other entities that are more often companies as opposed to individuals, you probably use contact records for the people you work with in those companies.
You can create contact groups based on contact record criteria or on criteria for the entity records those contacts are associated with. For example, you might want to create a group of contacts for all customer companies in a certain country. Your contact group would be based on customer search criteria.
Creating a Static Contact Group
You can create contact groups based on searches for the record they are associated with. For example, you could search for all customers with a specific sales rep and create a group of all contacts associated with these customers.
To create a static contact group based on customer or other criteria:
Go to Lists > Relationships > Groups > New.
Select Static.
Choose the kind of record you want to enter criteria for.
In the example mentioned above, you would choose Customers. When you select Contact, the group can include members from more than one entity type.
Enter a name for your group.
On the Members subtab, click Add With Search.
Choose the criteria you want to use for the search.
Enter criteria for the records whose contacts you want to create a group from.
Click Search & Select.
Click Add Static Members.
On the Create Static Group page, click Save.
When the record has saved, click Group Contacts.
Enter a name for the static contact group.
If you want to remove any of the contacts from the group, choose the contact name and click Remove.
Click Save.
You can also create static contact groups from an entity group. To do this, open an entity group record, and click Group Contacts at the top of the record.
You can also use CSV Import to create and update static Contact groups. For more information, see Group Import.
Creating a Dynamic Contact Group
Dynamic groups are defined by search criteria. This means that the membership of a dynamic group changes as new contact records are created that meet your criteria and as existing contact records are edited and no longer meet the group criteria.
To create a dynamic contact group based on customer or other criteria, you should first go to Lists > Relationships > Contacts > Search and create a saved search for the contacts based on fields from customer or other records.

After you have created your saved search:
Go to Lists > Relationships > Groups > New, and choose Dynamic.
In the dropdown list, select Contact.
Click Continue.
Enter a name for the group.
In the Saved Search field, select the saved search you created.
Click Save.