Importing a Peachtree CSV File
If you use Peachtree Accounting®or Peachtree Complete Accounting®, you can import these lists into NetSuite:
Accounts Receivable Customer list
Accounts Payable Vendor list
Payroll Employee list
General Ledger Chart of Accounts list
Inventory Item list
If you import an item list, you must also import your chart of accounts at the same time.
First you export the lists from Peachtree, and then you import them into NetSuite.
To export lists from Peachtree:
In Peachtree, click File > Select Import/Export.
On the left side of the Select Import/Export window that appears, select the category of the list you want to export.
For example, to export your chart of accounts, select General Ledger.
On the right side of the Select Import/Export window, select the list you want to export.
For example, to export your chart of accounts, select Chart of Accounts list.
Click Export at the top of this window.
Another window with list information appears.
Click the Options tab.
In the Export Options field group, check the Include Headings box.
You do not need to make changes to the Fields tab.
The import works in NetSuite even if Peachtree exports more columns than NetSuite requires.
Click OK.
Repeat these steps for each list you want to export.
If you are using a version besides Peachtree 7 or 8, you can open your CSV file in a spreadsheet and examine it to be certain that all the column headings match the required mapping to NetSuite fields. If not, you can change the column headings to match.
To import your CSV files into NetSuite:
See Importing CSV Files with the Import Assistant.