Line Item Updates on Transactions Imports

The Import Assistant lets you update items data for the following types of transactions: Cash Sale, Estimate, Invoice, Opportunity, Purchase Order, Sales Order, Vendor Bill, Vendor Credit, and Vendor Return Authorization. You can modify data for existing line items and add line items to existing transactions.

The Items sublist for transactions uses either Line/Order Line or Item as a key field to determine how to update or add line items.


Even if you do not have values for Line/Order Line, you should include it as a column in your CSV file and map it on the Field Mapping page. If Line/Order Line is mapped, even if its values are blank in the CSV file, errors do not result from duplicate Item values.

Review the following examples to get an understanding of how to format a CSV file to update transaction item lines.

CSV Data Example of Unsuccessful Transaction Line Item Update

This data results in an error because the import is trying to use the Item value as the key, and it is not clear which transaction lines should be updated.

CSV Data Example of Successful Transaction Line Item Addition

The inclusion of the Order Line column in the CSV file prevents the error. Because the Order Line column does not have any values, CSV file lines are not matched with any existing line items, and are simply added.

The following example illustrates how you might structure your CSV import file. Because the order line ID is not specified, this example adds another line item to the specified sales order.



Order Number



Order Line ID

Julie Homer



Service Kit — Medium


CSV Data Example of Successful Transaction Line Item Update

The first two CSV file lines are matched to existing line items so the quantity amounts are added. The third CSV file line is not matched, so it is added as a new line item.

The following example illustrates how you might structure your CSV import file. Because the order line ID is specified, this example updates the matching line item in the specified sales order.



Order Number



Order Line ID

Julie Homer



Service Kit — Medium




You can create a saved transaction search to retrieve order line values for item lines, before setting up an import to update this data.

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