Vendors Import

The vendors import adds vendors to the Vendors list.

For details about fields that can be mapped in the vendor record, see the SOAP Schema Browser’s vendor reference page. You can use the field definitions here as a basis for creating your own CSV import template file. For information about working with the SOAP Schema Browser, see SOAP Schema Browser.


You must create payment terms prior to referencing them during the Import Assistant's Vendor import. In the previously supported CSV import process for vendors, new Payment Terms referenced during a Vendor import would cause a new payment term to be created in the account.

Review the following guidelines for Vendors imports:

Supported Vendor Sublist Imports

The Vendors import supports the import of the following sublist data:




Selectively updatable based on Internal ID or Label key field.

By default, the sublist Address field is read-only, and data from other sublist fields is copied into it. If you map the Override field and set it to Yes (meaning true), you can import data for the Address field.



Selectively updatable based on Subscription key field.

Tax Registrations

Available when the SuiteTax feature is enabled at Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features, on the Tax subtab.

Whenever you change the Tax Registration Number value on a sublist line, it triggers the regeneration of the value of a hidden ID field, and the values of ID fields are regenerated on all sublist lines. The ID field is hidden in the UI, but it is visible through SOAP web services. The ID field is searchable, so you can access the updated values through SOAP web services. For information about working with the tax registrations sublist through SOAP web services, see Vendor.

For information about working with tax registration in the UI, see Assigning Tax Registrations to an Entity in SuiteTax.

For imports that update existing Vendor records, handling of sublist data updates depends upon the setting for the Overwrite Sublists advanced option, and on whether the sublist is keyed. Complete deletion of sublist data currently is not supported. For more information, see Sublist Data Import.

Setting the Global Subscription Status Field for Vendors

The Global Subscription Status field on vendor records determines whether a vendor can receive email sent through campaigns and email merge operations.

For more information about global subscription statuses, see Subscription Management.

Vendors as Individuals or Companies

NetSuite lets you define each vendor as either an individual (a person) or a company. The NetSuite Fields pane of the Import Assistant's Field Mapping page includes an Individual field for Vendors. This field is required.


Your account setting for the Default Vendor Type field, at Setup > Company > General Preferences, may affect the value of the Individual field for Vendors imports.

Vendors Primary Subsidiary Field Required for NetSuite OneWorld

If your account is using NetSuite OneWorld, the Primary Subsidiary field is required for Vendors imports. You must map the NetSuite Primary Subsidiary field to a field in your CSV file, or the import will fail. CSV file values for subsidiaries should be hierarchical names, in the format grandparent : parent : child, for example, Consolidated Parent Company : UK Subsidiary : Euro Subsidiary.


You cannot import a vendor with multiple subsidiaries using CSV Import.

The Import Assistant is available at Setup > Import/Export > Import Tasks > Import CSV Records. After you select the record type for import, you choose the import character encoding. For more information, see Select a Record Type for Import and Choose Import Character Encoding.

Additional Information

Related Topics

General Notices