Defining SuiteSignOn Connection Points

Connection points are the locations in the NetSuite user interface that provide access to your application. Every application integrated through SuiteSignOn can have multiple connection points.

To set up connection points for your application, define the following on the SuiteSignOn page:

Defining Integration Variables for Connection Points

You can define both static and dynamic integration variables for portlet, Suitelet, and user event connection points.


If you want to define dynamic integration variables for either of these connection types, you must do so in the portlet, Suitelet, or user event JavaScript file. You cannot define dynamic integration variables in the Integration Variables field on the SuiteSignOn record.

The following code sample shows a portlet script that is used to get the email address of the currently logged-in NetSuite user. The value of the email address can then be passed to the URL as a dynamic integration variable.

 *@NApiVersion 2.x
 *@NScriptType Portlet
define(['N/runtime','N/sso'], function(runtime, sso) {
        function render(context) {
            context.portlet.title = 'My Integrated Application!!';
            var email = runtime.getCurrentUser().email;
            var url = sso.generateSuiteSignOnToken({suiteSignOnId: 'customsso_myApp'});
            url = url + '&partner=NetSuite' + '&email=' + email;
            var content = '<iframe src="'+url+'" align="center" style="width: 100%;height: 600px; margin:0;border:0;padding:0"></iframe>';
            context.portlet.html = content;
        return {
            render: render


The following screenshot shows that you could have used the Integration Variables field on the SuiteSignOn record to define the partner integration variable, which is static. You could not have used the Integration Variables field to define a dynamic integration variable, such as the email variable in the preceding script.

Integration Variables field on the Connection Points subtab.

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