Using Product Feeds with Multiple Websites and OneWorld

When you use multiple websites, or NetSuite OneWorld, you can filter the Product Feed Results page to show items associated with a particular site or subsidiary.

You can filter by web site or by subsidiary.

Product Feeds and Multiple Websites

Make a selection in the Web Site list to display only the items published to a particular site.

If you select All, then all of the items published to all sites are included in the product feed results. An item on two different sites displays twice in the product feed—one time for each site. An item that is available under multiple categories in one site only shows one time per site under the first category returned in the search results.

When you choose to display uncategorized items on your website, these items appear in the product feed. You can set the Show Uncategorized Items preference at Commerce > Websites > Website List in the Preferences section on the Setup subtab.

Product Feeds and OneWorld

Web store managers who use NetSuite OneWorld can generate a product feed specific to a certain site or subsidiary. You can also choose which items show in different markets. For example, you could filter a product feed to only show items from your UK subsidiary and export that product feed to a UK shopping comparison site.

In NetSuite OneWorld, each product feed includes products from all of your subsidiaries. To create a product feed for a specific subsidiary, expand the Filters section, and then select a Subsidiary. When you export the product feed for a specific site and subsidiary, the exported file only includes products from the site and subsidiary you selected.

To customize a product feed for a particular website or Subsidiary:

  1. Go to Commerce > Site Builder > Marketing/Upsell > Product Feeds.

  2. Select a search engine from the list.

  3. Click Edit This Search.

  4. On the Criteria subtab, add Web Site or Subsidiary to the Filter list.

  5. On the Results tab, select the columns you want to display.

  6. In the Search Title field, accept the default title, or enter a new title for the search.

  7. Click Save.

Now your custom product feed search displays in the list at Commerce > Site Builder > Marketing/Upsell > Product Feeds.

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