Using Web Site Text Groups

You can use groups to organize the custom text you create for any of the system-generated text that appears on your website.

For details on creating custom text for your site, see Customizing Website Text.

If you use multiple websites, you can differentiate the branding on each site by customizing the text on each site. If you operate one website, you can create multiple website text groups to experiment with different custom text options.

Click Customize next to the Default group to modify the text currently applied to your website. Click New to start creating custom text. You must first create a new group, by entering a name and description, and then go back to the Customize Text Group page to customize the text in that group.

The default website text group contains the website text currently applied to your website. When you create a new group, it inherits any customization that exists in the default group. After you start working with a new group, click Save to preserve the changes you make.

After you finish creating a new website text group, go to the Web Site Setup page to associate it with a site.

To create a website text group:

  1. If you have a Commerce (SC/ SCA/ SCMA/ SCIS) site, go to Commerce > Content Management > Content > Customize Text > New. If you have a Site Builder site, go to Commerce > Site Builder > Content Management > Customize Text > New.

  2. Enter a name and description for a new group. The description is optional. If you are creating custom text groups to support multiple languages on your site, name the text group for the language into which you want to translate text.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Click Customize to modify the text group you created in the previous step.

  5. Click Save when you are finished.

  6. (Optional) Click Edit to modify the name or description of an existing website text group.

  7. (Optional) Click View to see a list of sites where the text group is applied

If you have already associated the website text group with a site, the site will be updated with any customization changes after clicking Save.

To associate a website text group with a site:

  1. Go to Commerce > Websites > Website List.

  2. Click Edit next to the website name.

  3. Click the Appearance subtab.

  4. In the Customize Text Group section, select the website text group you want to display on that site.

  5. Click Save.

You can now view your site to see your custom website text group applied.

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