Customizing Site Themes

Create a unique e-commerce site as you maintain your item, category, and tab information in NetSuite. Using site themes gives you great flexibility in site design and maintenance. Site themes are based on Item/Category templates and Layouts. You can use a site theme to define the look and feel of tabs, sidebars, headers, and footers on your website.

Use the basic NetSuite site themes and templates, or create your own.

  1. Go to Commerce > Site Builder > Appearance > Item/Category Templates to customize the standard NetSuite templates or to create your own templates. For more information about Item/Category templates, see Creating Item/Category Templates.

    Create site templates as a basis for the layouts that you apply to tabs and categories in your site. In the custom HTML that you create, you can insert Web Site Tags specifically designed by NetSuite to pull information from item, tab, and category records.

  2. Go to Commerce > Site Builder > Appearance > Layouts to create page layouts based on your templates. For more information about this process, see Applying Templates to Lists of Categories and Lists of Items.

  3. Go to Commerce > Site Builder > Appearance > Themes to attach your layouts and templates to site themes. For more information, see the detailed steps below.

To use this feature, go to Setup > Company > Enable Features. On the Web Presence subtab, check the Advanced Site Customization box, and click Save.


Advanced knowledge of HTML is recommended. When you enter HTML for a theme, it must be correct HTML, and it must correctly use the Web Site Tags provided by NetSuite. To add graphics and apply style sheets to HTML site theme templates that you create, you must upload image and CSS files to the Web Site Hosting Files folder.

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