Customizing Knowledge Base Layout

When you publish a knowledge base, you can choose a layout to apply to the topics and solutions that display on the page.

Screenshot of the Publish Knowledge Base page where you choose a layout for articles.

To select a layout for knowledge base topics and solutions:

  1. Go to Lists > Support > Knowledge Base

  2. Click Edit next to a knowledge base topic on the list.

  3. You can select a layout in the Topic/Category List Layout field.

  4. You can select a different layout to apply to solutions in the Solution/Item List Layout field.

NetSuite ignores the HTML in basic site theme templates selected in the Topic/Category List Layout or Solution/Item List Layout fields. Only the following properties for rows and columns specified in the layout are applied to the page:


Only the layouts selected in the Solutions/Item List Layout field display pagination and Number of Rows.

You can create a custom layout to use for your knowledge base topics and solutions. for more information, see Creating Web Site Layouts.

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