Filtering the Cases List

When a support rep enters a case for a customer, the new case is added to the cases list. This is true if the customer calls in or submits a case with an online case form. The cases list displays all open cases by default, but can be filtered to show only the cases you want to work with.

To filter your cases list:

  1. Go to Cases > Customer Service > Cases.

  2. In the View field:

    • Select All to view all general information for each case record in the order the fields appear on the record.

    • Select Status to show the status of each case next to the subject.

    • Select Contact to view the company name and contact information next to each case subject.

    • Select Case Detail to view the incident date and time, case type, case origin, and case issue for each case.

  3. In the Stage field:

    • Select Open to view all cases that have not been closed.

    • Select Not Started to view all cases that have not been responded to or grabbed.

    • Select Re-Opened for all cases that have been closed and then re-opened by another message.

    • Select In Progress for cases that have been grabbed and started on.

    • Select Escalated for all cases that have been escalated to someone else.

    • Select Closed to view all cases that are no longer issues.

  4. In the Assigned To field, select a support rep or group to view the cases assigned to the rep or group.

    For more information about support groups, see Setting Up Support Groups.

  5. In the Awaiting Support Reply field:

    • Select Yes to view all cases that have a customer message that needs an answer.

    • Select No to view all cases that a support rep has already replied to.

When you return to the cases list after navigating away, the filters default to their last setting.

You can customize the format of the cases list by clicking Customize View on the top of the list. When you customize a view of a list, you set search criteria for the records you want to see in that list. On the Results subtab, select how you want the records to be displayed in your list.

When you click Save to save your view, you can view your cases list as a saved search. To use your custom view, select the name of the search in the Search Title field on the top of the list.

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