Ordering Items
The Order Items form provides a list of items that need to be ordered from vendors. NetSuite suggests the quantity to order based on your preferred stock level and quantity of open backorders, or quantities scheduled on blanket purchase orders. You can verify or change the suggested amounts, and then create purchase orders for those items.
To bulk order items:
Go to Transactions > Inventory > Order Items.
You can limit the items that show in the lists by selecting filters in the following fields:
Location – Limit items based on location.
Select a location to show only items needed in that location that are at or below their reorder point.
Select All to show items from all locations that are at or below their reorder point.
Note:If you enable the Centralize Purchasing in a Single Location preference, then items will not be filtered by location. When this preference is enabled, your selection in the Location field determines the location that shows on purchase orders created. Set this preference at Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting Preferences.
Department – Limit items based on department.
Vendor – Limit items based on vendor.
Select a vendor to display only items that identify this vendor as the Preferred Vendor on their item record. These items are at or below their reorder point.
Important:If you use NetSuite OneWorld and vendors are shared with multiple subsidiaries, Location must be the one assigned to the vendor's designated subsidiary. Otherwise, you cannot select the Preferred Vendor from the Vendor list.
Select All to show only items that identify any vendor as the Preferred Vendor on their item record. These items are at or below their reorder point.
Include Items with No Preferred Vendor – Check this box for the ordering list to include items that have not designated a preferred vendor. Clear this box for the ordering list below to exclude items that have not designated a preferred vendor.
Include Items where Vendor is Not Preferred – Check this box for the ordering list to include items from non-preferred vendors. Clear this box for the ordering list below to exclude items from vendors that are not the preferred vendor.
Parent Item – Select a parent inventory item to display only the sub-items of the parent that are at or below their reorder point.
Minimum Quantity – Enter a number to display only items with a Quantity To Order equal to or larger than the number you enter.
For example, you enter 10 in this field. Items with a Quantity To Order equal to or greater than 10 appear in the list.
To send purchase orders to your vendors when you submit the form, check the appropriate box to print, email or fax the order.
Complete steps for the Time Phased Items subtab, Reorder Point Items subtab, and Blanket PO Items subtab, as described in the following sub-topics.
After all lines on all subtabs are completed as necessary, click Submit to place the orders.
After you click Submit, NetSuite generates one purchase order per vendor for the items. The orders are printed, emailed, or faxed to your vendors as indicated in the header.
For the current status, view or refresh the Status page at Transactions > Inventory > Order Items > Status > Status. For more information, see Order Items Status.
Time Phased Items Subtab
Take note of the following:
To use these enhancements for time-phased planned items on the Order Items page, the Demand Planning feature must be enabled.
The Time Phased Items subtab shows a list of items that need to be ordered based on time-phased replenishment. These items have a quantity available that is less than the reorder point indicated on the item record.
Order Start Date – Choose to filter by the order start date.
Order End Date – Choose to filter by the order end date.
Check the box next to each item to order.
Click the Mark All button to check all boxes or click the Unmark All button to clear all boxes.
Verify or select the appropriate Vendor.
Accept the suggested amount to order in the Quantity column or enter a new quantity.
Note:For information about suggested quantities if you use the Demand Planning feature, see Demand Planning on Item Records.
If a qualified contract exists, the one with the lowest item base rate is displayed in the Purchase Contract field.
The base rate is displayed in the Order Rate field.
If you use the accounting preferences Make Departments Mandatory and Allow Per-Line Departments, verify the appropriate Department. The departments set on these line items are used for the corresponding line items on generated purchase orders. For more information, see Using Per-Line Classifications.
If you use the Multiple Currencies feature, each vendor's primary currency is used on this transaction. For more information, see Vendors and Multiple Currencies.
The Total field displays the amount calculated as Rate x Quantity.
The Total field in the header of the Order Items page displays the sum of the Total column. It is updated after any change to the values in the Total column.
If you use the Multiple Currencies feature, the Total (Foreign Currency) field displays the total calculated as Rate (Foreign Currency) x Quantity.
Reorder Point Items Subtab
In the Replenishment Method field, filter the list of orders to show only items using a certain replenishment method. Select the Time Phased method, the Reorder Point method, or select All to show all items regardless of the replenishment method used.
Note:Take note of the following:
To use these enhancements for time-phased planned items on the Order Items page, the Advanced Inventory Management feature must be enabled.
The Reorder Point Items subtab shows a list of items that need to be ordered based on designated reorder point. These items have a quantity available that is less than the reorder point indicated on the item record.
Check the box in the Order column next to items you want to order.
Click the Mark All button to check all boxes or click the Unmark All button to clear all boxes.
Verify or select the appropriate Vendor.
Accept the suggested amount to order in the Quantity column, or enter a new quantity.
The quantity NetSuite suggests to order is calculated as:
(preferred stock level +quantity needed) less (quantity available +quantity on order)
If a qualified contract exists, the one with the lowest item base rate is displayed in the Purchase Contract field.
The base rate is displayed in the Order Rate field.
If you use the accounting preferences Make Departments Mandatory and Allow Per-Line Departments, verify or select the appropriate Department. The departments set on these line items are used for the corresponding line items on generated purchase orders. For more information, see Using Per-Line Classifications.
If you use the Multiple Currencies feature, each vendor's primary currency is used on this transaction. For more information, see Vendors and Multiple Currencies.
The Total field displays the amount calculated as Rate x Quantity.
Note:The Total field in the header of the Order Items page displays the sum of the Total column. It is updated after any change to the values in the Total column.
If you use the Multiple Currencies feature, the Total (Foreign Currency) field displays the total calculated as Rate (Foreign Currency) x Quantity.
Blanket PO Items Subtab
Order Start Date – Choose to filter by the order start date.
Note:Take note of the following:
To use these enhancements for time-phased planned items on the Order Items page, the Blanket Purchase Orders feature must be enabled.
The Blanket PO Items subtab shows blanket purchase order schedules that are within the lead time of items that need to be ordered.
Order End Date – Choose to filter by the order end date.
Check the box in the Order column next to items you want to order.
Click the Mark All button to check all boxes or click the Unmark All button to clear all boxes.
Verify or select the appropriate Vendor.
Accept the suggested amount to order in the Quantity column, or enter a new quantity.
The quantity NetSuite suggests to order is based on the blanket purchase order schedule.
If you use the Multiple Currencies feature, each vendor's primary currency is used on this transaction. For more information, see Vendors and Multiple Currencies.
If you use the accounting preferences Make Departments Mandatory and Allow Per-Line Departments, verify or select the appropriate Department. The departments set on these line items are used for the corresponding line items on generated purchase orders. For more information, see Using Per-Line Classifications.
If you have multiple locations and do not use the Centralize Purchasing in a Single Location preference, one purchase order is created per location. Set this preference at Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting Preferences.
If you use the Centralize Purchasing in a Single Location preference, you can distribute items you receive to your locations. Go to one of the following:
Transactions > Inventory > Transfer Inventory.
Transactions > Inventory > Replenish Location.