Creating Bin Records

You can use bin records to define bin locations within a warehouse or stock room. Bin record numbers are associated with items and included on receiving and fulfilling transactions to keep track of inventory for each bin.

There is no limit on the number of bin records you can enter.

Item costing is not calculated per bin, and only on-hand and available quantities are tracked per bin. Committed, backordered, and ordered quantities are not tracked per bin.


If you use the basic Bin Management feature with the Multi-Location Inventory feature, you must use bins in all locations. If you use the Advanced Bin / Numbered Inventory Management feature with the Multi-Location Inventory feature, you can use bins on a per-location basis.

To create bin records:

  1. Go to Lists > Supply Chain > Bins > New.

  2. In the Bin Number field, enter a number or code to designate a bin location in your warehouse or stock room.

    For example, you can name rows and shelves in your warehouse by letter and bins by number. The first bin in the first shelf on the first row would be AA01.

  3. If you use the Multiple Locations feature, select the location for this bin to designate where the bin is located.

    You cannot change the location after you save the bin record.

  4. In the Memo field, include further notes on the bin's location or notes on what should be stored in the bin.

  5. Check the Inactive box to inactivate this bin record.

  6. Click Save.

After you have created bin records, you can set up item records for use with bins. Read Setting Up Item Records for Bins.

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