Setting a Location on a Transaction

You can associate locations on transactions in these ways:

Identifying Locations in the Transaction Header

You can choose to identify a location in the header of a transaction. This sets all transaction lines to the location identified in the transaction header.

For example, you can select a location in the header of a sales order to record where the sale is made. You could also select a location in the header of a purchase order to identify where you expect to receive those items.

When you identify your transactions by location, you can manage your inventory based on the location from which items are ordered, received, and sold.

To identify a location on a transaction:

  1. Click the Transaction tab.

  2. Click the name of the transaction you want to create.

  3. In the Classifications section, in the Locations field, select the appropriate location. For more information about how to create a location, read Creating Locations.

  4. Complete the transaction as required.

  5. Click Save.

When you identify locations on transactions, you can run reports with information filtered by location. For more information about reporting by locations, read Inventory Reporting.

Setting a Location for Individual Line Items

When you use the Locations or Multi-Location Inventory feature, you can set a preference to show a location for individual line items on transactions.


To show line-item locations on a transaction, you must customize the form. For more information, see Customizing a Form for Line-item Locations.

If you do not use line-item locations:

If you do use line-item locations:

Line-item locations function differently when used with each feature.

Line-item Locations with the Locations Feature

When you use the Allow Line-item Locations preference with the Locations feature, your account tracks each line-item by location on transactions.

For example, Wolfe Electronics wants to track the sales amounts of each line split by locations. Wolfe associates a location with each transaction line-item. Then, Wolfe can track the sales per location of the business over any period.

Using this method does not determine a location for receipt or fulfillment of items. To track inventory across locations, you must use the Multi-Location Inventory feature.

Line-item Locations with the Multi-Location Inventory Feature

The Allow Per-line Locations preference is automatically enabled when you enable the Multi-Location Inventory feature. Then, the Allow Per-line Locations box is removed from the Accounting Preferences page.

The Allow Per-Line Locations preference enables you to associate a different location for each line-item on transactions.

For example, you sell two items on a sales order. You can associate one item with the Atlanta Location and the second item with the New York location. Then, the items show on fulfillments and reports associated with their respective locations.

To enable locations per line-item:

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences.

  2. Click the General subtab.

  3. In the Allow Per-Line Locations box:

    • Check the box to associate a location with individual line items on a transaction.

      When you use this preference, you can choose a different location for each line item on transactions.

      Location appears as a column field and is applied individually to each transaction line. Then, an adjustment account chosen in the body of a transaction is not associated with a location.

    • Clear the box to select a location in the body of a transaction.

      When you do not use this preference, the location chosen in the body applies to all line items on the transaction.

      Then, an adjustment account chosen in the body of a transaction is associated with the location chosen in the body.

  4. Click Save.

Line-item Locations with Header Locations

If you use per-line locations, you can customize transaction forms to identify a location at the header and line level at the same time.

Using the Locations feature and the Allow Per-Line Locations preference displays a Location field on each transaction line and in the form header. You can choose the location East Coast on one line and choose West Coast on another line. Then, you can choose the location United States in the transaction header.

This is useful if you identify legal entities or geographical segments by location and want to report separate balance sheets and income statements. Therefore, a sales order can post line items to the correct locations (East and West Coast). Then, the header location allows a correct income statement to be run for United States transaction totals.

Forms customized to show a location at the header and line level must have data in both fields. If either are left blank, both fields are cleared unless they are mandatory. If you enabled the preference to make locations mandatory, the selection is mandatory at both the header and line level.

For more information about how to customize a form to identify a classification at both the header and line level, read Customizing a Form for Line-item Locations.

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