Non-Inventory Items

You can record and track items that you always drop ship as non-inventory items. You can also record and track other items that you sell or purchase but do not stock as non-inventory items. The following are examples of non-inventory items:

Note the following when you use the Projects feature:

Vendor Bill Variances

When you use the Advanced Receiving feature, you can enter vendor bill variances and generate journal postings to variance accounts. These variances can be based on quantity, price, or exchange rate discrepancies.

When you check the Generate Accruals box on the Preferences subtab, Vendor Bill variances generate and post an accrual to the general ledger. For more information, see Vendor Bill Variances.


If a non-inventory item is included on an open purchase order, you cannot check nor clear the Generate Accruals box. To make changes to the Generate Accruals box, close all purchase orders that include the item.

When the Generate Accruals preference is set, non-inventory item records include three variance accounts on the Accounting subtab:

  • Price Variance Account – resolve variances between the unit cost of items on bills and receipts.

  • Quantity Variance Account – resolve variances between quantities on bills and receipts.

  • Exchange Rate Variance Account – resolve variances between exchange rates on bills and receipts.

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