Multiple Asset Proposal

Within the Fixed Assets Management SuiteApp, the asset proposal process searches for new transactions in the system and identifies potential assets. In some cases, multiple individual components may need to be combined and tracked as a single asset.

You can edit an asset proposal and select a parent proposal to create a parent-child relationship between asset proposal records.

To add a parent proposal to an asset proposal record:

  1. Go to Fixed Assets > Transactions > Manage Asset Proposal.

    Note the ID of the proposal record that you want to assign as the parent.

  2. In the Proposed Assets sublist, click Edit next to the asset proposal that you want to assign as the child.

  3. In the Parent Proposal field, select the ID of the parent proposal record.

  4. In the Asset Description field, you can modify the description for this asset to describe its relationship to the parent proposal.

  5. Click Save.

    You can modify the asset description on the parent proposal to describe the combined entity.

    Parent Proposal

    The child proposal record will no longer appear on the Proposed Assets sublist. You can find the child proposal on the Subproposal tab of the parent proposal record.

    Child Proposal
    Details of the child proposal record

    When the parent proposal is used to generate assets, the value of the child proposal is accumulated into the parent. A single asset record is created using the asset description of the parent and other details from the parent record.

    Combined Asset Proposal
    Details of the combined proposal record

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