Editing a Financial Statement Layout

A financial statement layout is a set of definitions for financial sections and rows. Each layout can be shared among multiple financial statements. When you create a custom financial statement, most of your customizations are to the statement's assigned layout.

You can make changes to a layout on the Financial Report Builder Edit Layout Page. To display a layout for editing, see:

To complete specific layout editing tasks, see:

To review the financial statement layouts available in your account, see:

To rename layouts, see:

To review and change the assignments of layouts to financial statements, see:


If you are using NetSuite OneWorld, the layout displayed in the Financial Report Builder is the one assigned to the subsidiary context you last selected. The selected subsidiary context is displayed at the top of the page. To customize a layout for a different subsidiary context, rerun the financial statement, select the desired subsidiary context from the footer list, and click Refresh. Then click Customize to restart the Financial Report Builder. See OneWorld Financial Statements.

You need both the Financial Statements permission and the Report Customization permission to customize reports in the Financial Report Builder. If you do not have necessary permissions, contact your account administrator. See Giving Access to Financial Statements for more information.

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