Generating an EU Sales List Report


This feature requires the International Tax Reports SuiteApp.


Provided you have entered the VAT registration number and country of your EU customers correctly, and the right VAT tax code has been used on your sales transactions, you should be able to get the data generated on the reports. It is your responsibility to check that the VAT registration IDs of your customers and vendors are validated against the Europa database (or alternative if you have one) by clicking the VIES link on the Financial tab of the customer record. If there is no VAT number specified on the customer record, NetSuite will show an error on the report. If there is no VAT number for a subcustomer record, NetSuite will use the parent customer's VAT number.


Make sure that each customer record has a shipping address, as the tax rules on reporting are based on the Ship To address. If there is no shipping address, then NetSuite will get the Bill To address from the customer record. If the invoice is charged to a project, then NetSuite will get the address saved on the customer record that the project is associated with.

Example of an EU Sales List in English:

Screenshot of EU Sales List Report

To generate an EU Sales List Report:

  1. Go to Reports > VAT/GST > EU Sales List Report.

  2. Select a subsidiary.

  3. Check the Group box if you want a consolidated report that includes child subsidiaries. Use this for companies that are part of a VAT group.

  4. Select a country form.

  5. Select a reporting period by entering the Tax Period From and To dates. You can select a month or a quarter.

  6. In the Accounting Book field, select which accounting book will be used to generate the report. This field is available if the Multi-Book Accounting feature is enabled. The dropdown list shows all active books associated with the selected subsidiary. For more information, see Multi-Book Accounting for International Tax Reports.

  7. To display the report, click Refresh.


    Click Refresh each time you change the reporting criteria (tax period).

  8. Review the report.

    • Be sure to review all pages of the report. To specify the number of rows displayed on each page, go to the General subtab in Home > Set Preferences.

    • Click the customer names to view the customer records.

    • For the Country Code column, NetSuite gets the value from the customer’s VAT registration number. If the customer has a defined VAT registration number with a country code prefix, then NetSuite displays this prefix. The country code is blank if the defined VAT registration number has no prefix.

    • For Italy only: Click the Invoice Number links to view the transaction records.


    For the saved reports in the International Tax Reports SuiteApp, results are limited to 25,000 rows. A truncated report will display this note at the bottom of the page: “The results of this report are too large. Please narrow your results.” If you want to request for an increase in the limit, you must file a Support case.

  9. Verify and correct data as necessary. Any inconsistencies that NetSuite finds in your data, based on your selected reporting criteria, are indicated by color codes on the ESL report. By default, the system checks the Exclude box for those transactions with data inconsistencies, except for VAT number errors.

    Screenshot of the Legend information on the EU Sales List report



    Customer is in same country

    If the customer name is red, it means that the country of the EU Sales List form and the country on the customer's transaction record are the same. Make sure that you have used the correct shipping country on the transaction.

    Non-EU country transaction

    If the customer name is brown, it means that the country in the shipping address of the transaction record is not an EU country. Make sure that you have used the correct shipping country on the transaction.

    Customer without valid VAT ID/shipping address

    If the customer name is blue, it means that there is no identified shipping or billing address on the customer's transaction record.

    If VAT number is blue, it could mean that the VAT country code does not match the country indicated on the shipping address, or it could mean that the VAT number is not in the correct format for that country.


    Each EU country has its own VAT prefix and numbering format. For information, refer to this VAT identification number structure published by the European Commission.

  10. Check the Exclude box for lines that you want to omit from your report, or clear any checked boxes for lines that you want to include in the report. Check the box in the column header to exclude all lines on the current page.

  11. In the Indicator column for each line, review the transaction type, and edit it if necessary:

    • B2B Goods -products that you deliver directly to a customer.

    • Triangulated Goods -sales that involve supplies of goods between three VAT-registered traders in three different EU member states. This is the default indicator for transactions that you marked as part of an EU triangulation deal. For more information, see Identifying EU Triangulated Goods.

    • Services -services that you provided to your customer.

  12. To select a page to view, use the paging toolbar at the bottom of the page. Click the arrows to go to the next page, or type the page number and press Enter.

  13. To save the report, click any of the following options. Lines with the Exclude box checked are not included in the exported file.

    • Print -generates a PDF version of the report that you can print or save for your own records.

    • Export -saves the ESL report as a Microsoft Excel (.xls) file.

    • Export to XML -generates an XML file of the ESL report that you can submit for electronic filing. This option is available only for Austria, Belgium, Czechia, and Ireland.


      For Belgium, you can generate XML file only for monthly or quarterly tax period. Tax period specified in the From and To fields must be the same.

    The following options are for UK only:

    • Export (HMRC) -converts the ESL into a CSV file that complies with the format required by the UK tax agency (HMRC). When asked to open or save the file, click Save File. Opening the file in Microsoft Excel causes the format to change, which results in errors in your submission. Save the file first, and if you want to open it, use a text editor such as Notepad.

    • Submit Online -submits the EU sales list directly to the UK tax agency (HMRC).


      Before submitting the EU Sales List Report for UK, you need to perform the following steps to update the URL in the system.

      To update the URL:

      1. Go to Reports > VAT/GST > EU Sales List Report.

      2. On the EU Sales List (ESL) Report page, click Setup and select EU Sales Filing.

      3. On the EU Sales Filing Setup window, click Save.

    For more information about ESL online filing for UK, see EU Sales List for United Kingdom and Submitting an EU Sales List (ESL) Online in the United Kingdom to HMRC.


    NetSuite also saves a copy of the file in the File Cabinet, and sends you an email containing a URL of the file location. The file size limit is 5 MB, and the File Cabinet storage limit is 10 GB.

For more information about the localized EU sales list reports, see the country-specific tax topics.

Related Topics:

General Notices