Mass Updating Amortization Schedules
NetSuite provides a mass update for amortization schedules that you can run to update multiple records at one time. You can update the Is Recognized field on many amortization schedules at one time using a mass update. For all schedules that match the criteria set in the update form, the Is Recognized box is either checked or unchecked.
Mass updates to set amortization schedule status can be used to migrate data where an opening balance approach is used and schedules span the period when the balance is entered. To avoid duplication, lines with posting dates prior to the period when the opening balance is entered are marked as recognized.
To complete an Update Is Recognized Flag mass update:
Go to Lists > Mass Update > Mass Updates.
Click Amortization Schedules.
Click Update Is Recognized Flag.
Complete the mass update form to set criteria, including selecting Yes or No in the Is Recognized field.
Click Preview or Save.
For more information on mass updates, read Mass Updates.