Searching by Accounting Period
You can filter and display transaction search data based on related accounting period field values. You can use the following fields as filter criteria and results for advanced searches and saved searches of transactions:
AP Locked -whether A/P transactions have been locked for the period
AR Locked -whether A/R transactions have been locked for the period
Adjust -whether the period is an adjustment period
All Locked -whether all transactions are locked for the period
Allow Non G/L Changes -whether changes that do not impact the general ledger are allowed for the period after its transactions have been locked.
Closed -whether the period is closed
Date Closed On -date when the period was closed
End Date -last day of the period
Inactive -whether the period is inactive
Internal ID -internal ID of the period
Payroll Locked -whether payroll transactions have been locked for the period
Period Name -name of the period
Quarter -whether the period is a quarter
Start Date -first day of the period
Sub-Period Of -parent of the period
Year -whether the period is a year
Fiscal Calendar is not available as a filter for search criteria and results. You can however restrict your view to a single subsidiary at Home > Set Preferences > Restrict View. Search results are limited to the accounting periods for the fiscal calendar assigned to that subsidiary.
Transaction search is available at Transactions > Management > Search Transactions, and from Search options at Lists > Search > Saved Search > New.
To enter an advanced search, check the Use Advanced Search box. To create a saved search, click Create Saved Search.
To filter by an accounting period field's value, on the Criteria subtab, from the Filter list, select Accounting Period Fields. In the Accounting Period Filter popup window, select a field.
To display an account period field's values in search results, on the Results subtab, from the Columns list, select Accounting Period Fields. In the Accounting Period Filter popup window, select a field.
For general information about searches, see Simple and Advanced Searches . For information about saved searches, see Saved Searches.