Time & Expenses Accounting Preferences

The following types of preferences are available on the Time & Expenses subtab of the Accounting Preferences page:




Show Projects Only For Time and Expense Entry

Check this box to permit only projects to be selected in the Customer/Project field on time transactions and expense entry forms.


Checking this box removes the ability to track time for customers on tasks, events, and cases not associated with a project.

Clear this box to permit projects and customers to be selected in the Customer/Project field on time transactions and expense entry forms.

Automatically Notify Supervisor

Check this box to send supervisors email messages when they need to approve expense reports and purchase requests.

If you check this, you must also enable Expense Reports, Purchase Requests, or Time Tracking at Setup > Company > Enable Features.

Service Item for Forecast Reports

Select a service item to use when creating project forecasts. The labor cost for the selected service item is used when forecasting project costs based on employee time.

Time Tracking


The following preferences apply to Time Tracking. For information about Timesheets preferences, see Timesheets.



Override Rates on Time Records

Check this box if you want the option to change the billable rate for service items on time records. You can also choose to lock the rate so the billable rate is not affected by any rate changes that may happen before this customer is invoiced. If you also use Multiple Prices, you can select a new price level for service items on time entries.

Clear this box if you want service items on time entries to be billed at the current item rate for each customer.


If you use Charge-Based Billing, any time-based charge rules created override changes made directly on time transactions.

Require Approvals on Time Records

Check this box to require supervisors to approve their employees' time transactions.

If you do not check this box, time transactions can be billed to customers or included in the payroll run without the approval of a supervisor.

When the Time-Off Management feature is enabled and this box is checked, time-off entries generated from approved time-off requests cannot be edited. To allow employees to make updates, leave this box unchecked.

Advanced Approvals on Time Records

Check this box to enable advanced approval options for Time Tracking.

After you have enabled the preference, the Supervisor Approval field on time entries and the weekly timesheet is replaced by an Approval Status field. This field is editable by administrators and any role without time and expense restrictions. This field enables you to set the status of time entries to Open, Pending Approval, Approved, or Rejected.

Advanced approvals enables you to use SuiteFlow and Approval Routing to create custom approval workflows for your time entries.

For more information, see Approving or Rejecting a Time Transaction.

Email Employee on Rejection

Enable this preference to notify the employee by email when the time entry is rejected.

Copy Service Item Description to Time Memo

Enable this preference to automatically copy item descriptions to the memo field on time transactions when a service item is selected

When this preference is enabled, item descriptions will replace any memo already entered on the time transaction.

Time Billable by Default

Enable this preference to check the Billable box by default on new time records after a customer is chosen.

When this preference is enabled, the Billable box is checked on time transactions. The Billable box is also checked on the Time subtab on events, tasks, and cases.

Disable this preference to clear the Billable box on new time records by default, even after a customer is chosen.

If Project Management is enabled, the Billable box for time and materials and charge-based projects are always checked by default.

The Billable box for fixed bid projects (of either type) are always cleared by default.

Copy Time Memos to Invoices

Check this box to have invoices include memos entered on billable time. Clear this box to leave the memo field empty.


When you enable this preference, the memos you have already entered on existing time records show on invoices you create.

Show Planned Time in Time Entry

Enable this preference to have planned time entries automatically display on time entry records.

Round Time Entry Duration

Select how you want time entries rounded when employees track time.

Copy From Week Options

Select how you want hours and memos copied when copying an entire week of time transactions. You can choose to always copy hours and memos, never copy hours and memos, or allow the user to select if hours and memos should be copied. If employees are allowed to choose, the Copy Hours box can be checked when copying time transactions.

Lock Timesheet Period

Select a specific time period to disable the ability for employees to submit, edit, or add a time entry. The Weekly Timesheets feature is required for timesheet locking. For more information, see Locking Timesheet Periods.

Minimum Number of Hours Per Week


Time thresholds are not available when using SuiteScript, SuiteFlow, or custom approval routing.

Select Enabled or Enabled (Work calendar) to impose a minimum number of hours an employee can track in a week. If you selected Enabled, in the Value field, enter the minimum number of hours allowed. If you selected Enabled (Work calendar), NetSuite imposes minimums based on the number of weekly working hours on the employee’s work calendar. Holidays and non-working days are determined by the employee’s work calendar.

In the Action field, select Do not allow time outside limit to prevent employees from saving time transactions that are under the minimum value. Select Warn but allow time outside limit to show a pop up warning and then save for employees attempting to enter time transaction with less than the required minimum.


NetSuite validates set time thresholds within the browser. When an entry is made for the duration of a time transaction, NetSuite validates that the entry fits within the set limits. If an entry is left blank, NetSuite will not validate for that entry. This can create a situation where time transactions are saved that do not meet set threshold limits.


Be aware when setting thresholds not based on the work calendar, NetSuite does not take into account non-working days when applying time thresholds. You must determine how your company handles these days. For example, if you set a minimum daily threshold of 8 hours, employees are not able to submit time for a holiday if the working time is less than 8 hours.


The Administrator roles can exceed the minimum number of hours per week because they have the overriding permissions to do so. However, a warning message pops up.

Maximum Number of Hours Per Week


Time thresholds are not available when using SuiteScript, SuiteFlow, or custom approval routing.

Select Enabled or Enabled (Work calendar) to impose a limit on the number of hours an employee can track in a single week. If you selected Enabled, in the Value field, enter the maximum number of hours allowed. If you selected Enabled (Work calendar), NetSuite imposes limits based on the number of weekly working hours on the employee’s work calendar. Holidays and non-working days are determined by the employee’s work calendar.

In the Action field, select Do not allow time outside limit to prevent employees from saving time transactions that go over the weekly limit. Select Warn but allow time outside limit to show a pop up warning and then save for employees attempting to enter time transaction outside the limit.


NetSuite validates set time thresholds within the browser. When an entry is made for the duration of a time transaction, NetSuite validates that the entry fits within the set limits. If an entry is left blank, NetSuite will not validate for that entry. This can create a situation where time transactions are saved that do not meet set threshold limits.


The Administrator roles can exceed the maximum number of hours per week because they have the overriding permissions to do so. However, a warning message pops up.

Minimum Number of Hours Per Working Day


Time thresholds are not available when using SuiteScript, SuiteFlow, or custom approval routing.

Select Enabled or Enabled (Work calendar) to impose a minimum number of hours an employee can track in a single working day. If you selected Enabled, in the Value field, enter the minimum number of hours allowed. If you selected Enabled (Work calendar), NetSuite imposes minimums based on the number of daily working hours on the employee’s work calendar. Holidays and non-working days are determined by the employee’s work calendar.

In the Action field, select Do not allow time outside limit to prevent employees from saving time transactions that are under the minimum value. Select Warn but allow time outside limit to show a pop up warning and then save for employees attempting to enter time transaction with less than the required minimum.


NetSuite validates set time thresholds within the browser. When an entry is made for the duration of a time transaction, NetSuite validates that the entry fits within the set limits. If an entry is left blank, NetSuite will not validate for that entry. This can create a situation where time transactions are saved that do not meet set threshold limits.


Be aware when setting thresholds not based on the work calendar, NetSuite does not take into account non-working days when applying time thresholds. You must determine how your company handles these days. For example, if you set a minimum daily threshold of 8 hours, employees are not able to submit time for a holiday if the working time is less than 8 hours.


The Administrator roles can exceed the minimum number of hours per working day because they have the overriding permissions to do so. However, a warning message pops up.

Maximum Number of Hours Allowed Per Working Day


Time thresholds are not available when using SuiteScript, SuiteFlow, or custom approval routing.

Select Enabled or Enabled (Work calendar) to impose a limit on the number of hours an employee can track in a single day. If you selected Enabled, in the Value field, enter the maximum number of hours allowed. If you selected Enabled (Work calendar), NetSuite imposes limits based on the number of daily working hours on the employee’s work calendar. Holidays and non-working days are determined by the employee’s work calendar.

In the Action field, select Do not allow time outside limit to prevent employees from saving time transactions that go over the daily limit. Select Warn but allow time outside limit to show a pop up warning and then save for employees attempting to enter time transaction outside the limit.


NetSuite validates set time thresholds within the browser. When an entry is made for the duration of a time transaction, NetSuite validates that the entry fits within the set limits. If an entry is left blank, NetSuite will not validate for that entry. This can create a situation where time transactions are saved that do not meet set threshold limits.


The Administrator roles can exceed the maximum number of hours per working day because they have the overriding permissions to do so. However, a warning message pops up.

Minimum Number of Hours Per Time Entry


Time thresholds are not available when using SuiteScript, SuiteFlow, or custom approval routing.

Select Enabled or Enabled (Work calendar) to impose a minimum number of hours an employee can track in a single time entry. If you selected Enabled, in the Value field, enter the minimum number of hours allowed. If you selected Enabled (Work calendar), NetSuite imposes minimums based on the number of daily working hours on the employee’s work calendar. Holidays and non-working days are determined by the employee’s work calendar.

In the Action field, select Do not allow time outside limit to prevent employees from saving time transactions that are under the minimum value. Select Warn but allow time outside limit to show a pop up warning and then save for employees attempting to enter time transaction with less than the required minimum.


NetSuite validates set time thresholds within the browser. When an entry is made for the duration of a time transaction, NetSuite validates that the entry fits within the set limits. If an entry is left blank, NetSuite will not validate for that entry. This can create a situation where time transactions are saved that do not meet set threshold limits.


Be aware when setting thresholds not based on the work calendar, NetSuite does not take into account non-working days when applying time thresholds. You must determine how your company handles these days. For example, if you set a minimum daily threshold of 8 hours, employees are not able to submit time for a holiday if the working time is less than 8 hours.


The Administrator roles can exceed the minimum number of hours per time entry because they have the overriding permissions to do so. However, a warning message pops up.

Require Time for Working Days


Time thresholds are not available when using SuiteScript, SuiteFlow, or custom approval routing.

If you have enabled the Advanced Approvals on Time Records preference, you can choose to require time be entered for each working day. Working days are determined by an employee’s selected work calendar.

Apply Time Threshold to Vendor Time

Check this box to apply selected time threshold requirements to time entered by vendors.

Perform Limit Check on Approval Action


Time thresholds are not available when using SuiteScript, SuiteFlow, or custom approval routing.

Check this box to check threshold limits when time entries are approved. Time approvers receive a pop up warning when approving time outside established limits.




Expenses Billable by Default

Enable this preference to check the Billable box by default when you enter expenses on a purchase transaction. After you select a customer on an expenses line of a purchase transaction, the Billable box is automatically checked.

Disable this preference to clear the Billable box by default when you enter expenses on a purchase transaction.

Items Billable by Default

Enable this preference to check the Billable box by default when you are purchasing items. After you select a customer on an item line of a purchase transaction, the Billable box is automatically checked.

Disable this preference to clear the Billable box by default when you are purchasing items.

Combine Detail Items on Expense Reports

Check this box if you want to combine line items from the same category on a single expense report submitted by an employee. For example, if an employee enters a single expense report that contains two entries for entertainment costs, the total shows as one line item for entertainment costs on the invoice.


When this preference is enabled, line items on expense reports are not always listed in the order they are entered. They are regrouped by category. If you also use the Ref No. field on expense reports, enabling this preference may list your line items out of order depending on the assigned category.

Clear this box to detail each expense report line item individually.

Copy Expense Memos to Invoices

Set this preference to have invoices include memos entered on expenses. Clear this box to leave the memo field empty.

Show Warning Message for Taxable Expense Lines Without Receipt

Check this box to show a warning message for any taxable expense line item added without attaching a receipt. Clearing the warning returns user to the line to attach a receipt.

Clearing this box prevents any warnings when a receipt is not included.

Default Payable Account for Expense Reports

If you have multiple payable accounts, select the default account to be used on expense reports.


If you have a single payable account, this preference does not appear.

Default Account for Corporate Card Expenses

If you have more than one credit card account defined in NetSuite, you can select a default account for expenses paid with a corporate card.


This preference is hidden if you only have a single credit card account.

Default Advance to Apply Account for Expense Reports

Select a default general ledger account for applying advances on expense reports.


When setting a preferred account, any previously paid advances that have not yet been applied remain debited from the Advances Paid account. After the preference is set, any future expense reports credit the selected account. This can create a general ledger that is out of balance. Create manual journal entries to balance the accounts.

Prior to setting this preference, consult your accounting department for the best practice.

Allow Non-Reimbursable Expenses

Check this box to allow expenses that are not reimbursable to be entered on expense reports.

Foreign Amount Change

Select the default recalculation method for expenses. You can recalculate the exchange rate between the base currency and foreign currencies, or recalculate the base currency.

Related Topics:

General Notices