Contracts and Returns

In the Software Vertical Contract Renewals SuiteApp, removal of contract items is processed through return authorizations (RMAs). You can issue returns for items at any time during a contract's term.

You can process contract item returns from the contract record or from the sales order associated with the contract. For information about which contracts can be processed for downsell, see Managing Contracts.


Validation of the items in the RMA will be performed upon saving only if the Check Log Status field is blank or set to Pending.


Contract items created using CSV import are supported for downsell. If the price level is blank, the custom price level will be used in the RMA.

To process a return from the contract record:

  1. Open the contract record. For information about viewing a contract record, see Viewing a Contract.

  2. On the contract record, click Edit.

  3. On the Contract Items subtab, check the box in the Process column and click OK for each item that you want to return.

    To check the Process box for all contract items, click Mark All. To clear the Process box for all contract items, click Unmark All

  4. Click the Create Down-sell RMA button. A progress bar appears while the RMA is being created in the background. When the RMA is created, the page redirects to the RMA record in edit mode, with the contract items for return automatically added on the Items subtab.


    If you have contract items with the same name and rate, these items will be combined as a single line item on the RMA created from the contract record. The initial quantity of the item on the RMA will be equal to the combined total quantity of contract items that can be returned.

  5. On the Items subtab of the return authorization form, set the quantity of the contract items that you want to issue a return for. Also, verify that the other details of the contract items are properly set. For a return to be valid, the items and rates on the return authorization must match the items and rates on the contract.


    If you have enabled scripts R01A and R01B in Contract Renewals Preferences and you have more than 100 items, this may cause an error in processing an authorized return. To prevent this, you can limit the number of items to 100 or less. But if you cannot limit the number of items in your contract, you can disable R01A and R01B scripts temporarily. This can be done by editing Contract Renewals > Setup > Contract Renewals Preferences. When the scripts are disabled, you can proceed with processing the authorized returns in contract records without encountering errors. Then, after you have authorized the returns, you can enable the scripts again.

  6. Click Save. The page refreshes and reloads the RMA in view mode.

To issue a return from the original sales order:

  1. Go to Transactions > Sales > Enter Sales Orders > List.

  2. Click the View link next to the sales order that contains the contract items that you are returning.

  3. On the sales order form, click the Authorize Return button. A return authorization opens, with the items and other information from the contract sales order automatically filled in.

    • The end user is selected in the End User field.

    • The Order Type field is automatically set to Contract-Downsell.

    • The contract is selected in the Contract field.

    • The contract items are shown on the Items subtab.

    The header dates on the RMA match the date and term fields on the sales order.


    If you have enabled scripts R01A and R01B in Contract Renewals Preferences and you have more than 100 line items in your sales order, this may cause an error in processing an authorized return. To prevent this, you can limit the number of items in a sales order to 100 or less. But if you cannot limit the number of items in your sales order, you can disable R01A and R01B scripts temporarily. This can be done by editing Contract Renewals > Setup > Contract Renewals Preferences. When the scripts are disabled, you can proceed with processing the authorized returns in the sales orders without encountering errors. Then, after you have authorized the returns, you can enable the scripts again.

  4. Adjust the items listed on the Items subtab to show only the items and quantities you are issuing a return for.

  5. Adjust the term, start, and end dates to reflect the portion of the contract term you are issuing the return for.

  6. Click Save.

When the return is approved, the transaction lines are available for the creation of contract items. The downsell items appear as offsetting items with a negative quantity on the contract and on the Contract Items subtab of the customer record.

When the contract is renewed, downsell contract items are omitted from the renewal transaction.

You can also enter a standalone RMA, but you must make sure that the rates for the lines items on the RMA are the same as the rates on the sales order. To create a standalone RMA, go to Transactions > Customers > Issue Return Authorizations. For more information, see Entering a Standalone Return Authorization.


For downsell of contract items that use quantity pricing, creating a standalone RMA or manually adding the item to an RMA (regardless of how the RMA is created) may result in validation error.

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