Setting Up Contract Renewals Preferences
Before using Contract Renewals for the first time, you should set your preferences according to Setting Initial Renewals Preferences.
To set your Software Vertical Contract Renewals SuiteApp preferences, go to Contract Renewals > Setup > Contract Renewals Preferences, and click Edit. When you are finished making changes, click Save.
Auto Place Decimal
Go to Home > Set Preferences > General. In the Formatting section, make sure the Auto Place Decimal box is cleared. Enabling this preference may cause unwanted updates to transaction amounts calculated by Contract Renewals transaction processing.
Transactions Validation
The following preferences determine how transaction lines operate with the Software Vertical Contract Renewals SuiteApp:
Field |
Description |
Enable Script R01A |
Check this box to enable the script that validates transaction start and end dates. |
Item Cats for Tran Line Automation |
Select the item categories that automatically update with start and end dates from the transaction body when you enter line items on a transaction.
Service -Perpetual and License -Perpetual items are automatically updated with contract start dates but have no end dates. |
Enable Script R01B |
Check this box to enable the script that validates the channel tiers on transactions.
Enabling R01B with existing transactions on an account with multiple subsidiaries and having different values for End User and Bill To Customer may cause failure when the associated contract undergoes upsell, downsell or renewal. This is due to R01B scripts using channel data (Bill To Tier, Distributor, Reseller) that is not set when the transaction was created at the time R01B is not yet enabled. When the R01B script is enabled:
Enable Script R01C |
Check this box to enable the script that calculates the rate of each item on transactions. When the R01C script is enabled:
Default M/S Pricing Option |
Select the default pricing option for maintenance and support (M/S) items.
When you create an item record for an M/S item, the value that you set in this field will be the default selection in the M/S Pricing Option field on the item record. This value will also be the default pricing option for M/S items with a blank M/S Pricing Option field on the item record. For more information, see Setting Up Items for Contract Renewals. |
Item Cats Skipped on Renewal Calcs |
Select the item categories whose price level must always be set to Custom. This setting is important for maintenance and support item categories that are based on a percentage of license on the original order but exist alone on the renewal order. |
Item Category =For Custom Price Block |
Select the item categories whose price level cannot be set to Custom. This setting enables sales representatives to apply discounts to line item rates but not change them.
Items whose Item Category is selected or set For Custom Price Block (items that cannot have custom price) are excluded or cannot be added to sales orders used for creating transactions through web service, unless Block Custom Price Level is set to No (2). See Adding Transaction Fields to a Web Service Request for Contract Renewals. |
Default Customer Discount on Trans |
Check this box if you want to apply customer discounts to transactions by default. You can remove or change this discount on individual transaction lines if the box for Inline Discounting on Trans preference is checked. |
M/S Customer In-Line Discount |
Check this box if you want to apply customer discounts to the cost of maintenance and support by default. You can remove or change this discount on individual transaction lines if the box for Inline Discounting on Trans preference is checked. |
Enable Script R01D |
Check this box to enable the script that validates items with inline discounts. If this box is checked, inline discounts are automatically applied to the Rate and Amount fields on transaction lines. |
Inline Discounting on Trans |
Check this box to enable inline discounts on transaction lines. This preference is applied only when the inline discount calculation script (R01D) is deployed. |
Enable Script R01E |
Check this box to enable the script that prevents applying contract item uplift when the status is not active. This preference applies only on edit mode. |
No. of Decimal Places for List Rate |
Enter the number of decimal places to include for list rates. Maximum value is 8, which is the core NetSuite limit for list rate.
Value for list rate is rounded to the nearest decimal place specified in this preference before it is used for rate calculation. |
No. of Decimal Places for Rate |
Enter the number of decimal places to include for rates. Maximum value is 8, which is the core NetSuite limit for rate. |
Auto-select Single Contract |
Check this box if you want to automatically select the open contract if only one active contract is available for the Bill To and End User customers selected on the transaction. This setting ensures that you always upsell to an existing contract instead of creating a new one. |
Override Default Ship To Address |
Check this box if you want to automatically set the Ship To address on transactions to the default shipping address of the entity selected in the Ship To Tier field. |
Entry Forms to Deploy Scripts |
If you want the Contract Renewals scripts to run only for specific entry forms, select the entry forms in this field. If no form is selected, the scripts are deployed to all entry forms in this list. |
Transaction Forms to Deploy Scripts |
If you want the Contract Renewals scripts to run only for specific transaction forms, select the transaction forms in this field. If no form is selected, the scripts are deployed to all transaction forms in this list.
The Make Copy button is hidden on forms selected in this preference. If no form is selected, the Make Copy button is hidden on all transaction forms where Contract Renewals user event scripts are deployed. |
Enable Flexible Start Date for Renewal Transactions |
Check this box if you want to enable flexible start dates for contract items on renewal transactions. If this box is checked, you can set up contract items to start earlier than the renewal contract start date. This feature is applicable only for renewal transactions and for upsell sales orders for renewal contracts. For more information, see Editing a Renewal Transaction. |
Contracts Creation & Validation
The following preferences affect contract creation and validation of contract items:
Field |
Description |
Enable Script R02A |
Check this box to enable the script that validates items before creating contracts. |
Enable Script R02B |
Check this box to enable the script that validates contract items. |
Sales Order Status to Create Contract |
Select the minimum sales order status that will be processed for contract creation.
You can manually create a contract for specific sales orders by clicking the Create Contract button on the transaction record. This button is available on sales orders with no associated contract record yet. For more information, see Creating a New Contract. This preference applies only to new sales orders. For renewals, a renewal contract is automatically generated if the renewal transaction is a sales order or when a renewal opportunity or estimate is converted to a sales order. For more information, see Renewing a Contract. |
Contract Items Creation
The following preferences affect how contract items are generated:
Field |
Description |
Enable Script R03 |
Check this box to enable the script that creates contract items.
The R03 script does not support multiple queues. To prevent unexpected behavior, make sure that all R03 deployments are assigned to the same queue. |
Search: CI Pending Creation |
If you want to use a saved search to define the list of transactions that will be processed by the R03 script for contract item creation, check the Use CI Pending Creation Search box and specify the saved search that you want to use in this field. The list returned by the saved search will be further filtered by the status selected in the Transaction Status to Process preference.
To avoid any errors, do not select the default search (Contract Item Pending Creation) in this field if the Use CI Pending Creation Search box is checked. For information about creating a custom saved search for contract item creation, see Using a Custom Saved Search for Contract Item Creation. |
Transaction Status to Process |
Select which transactions status will be processed to create contract items. |
Item Category to Process |
Select the item categories that generate contract items.
For service items, select Service -Perpetual to generate perpetually-licensed service items that have no expiration date and no renewal action is required or select Services to generate term-licensed service items. |
Require License for M/S Items (Renewal) |
Check this box if you want the contract item creation script (R03) to require product license items in transactions. Clear this box if you want to enable creation of contracts from transactions with no product license. |
Use CI Pending Creation Search |
Check this box if you want to use a saved search to define the list of transactions that will be processed by the R03 script for contract item creation. You can specify the saved search that you want to use in the Search: CI Pending Creation field. For information about creating a custom saved search for contract item creation, see Using a Custom Saved Search for Contract Item Creation. If this box is cleared, R03 will use its default search to filter transactions that will be processed for contract item creation.
Regardless if this box is checked or cleared, the transactions to be processed by R03 will be filtered based on the status selected in the Transaction Status to Process field. |
Contract Renewals Creation
The following preferences affect how renewal transactions are created:
Field |
Description |
Enable Script R05 |
Check this box to enable the script that creates renewal transactions. |
Restrict to Customer |
Check this box to create renewal transactions only for a specific customer.
This setting is used for testing purposes. Be sure to clear this box when you are finished testing. |
Default Renewal Form ID |
Select the custom transaction form you want to use when creating renewal transactions. For more information about contract renewals transaction forms, see Setting Preferred Forms for Contract Renewals. |
Renewal Form Based From |
If you are using multiple renewal transaction forms, select whether you want the form chosen based on subsidiary or channel tier. If this field is blank, the form selected in the Default Renewal Form ID field is used. |
Zero Dollar Item |
Zero price item is used by Contract Renewals to retrieve dynamic values when generating renewal transactions. For more information, see Creating a Zero Price Item. |
Renewals License Pricing Model |
Select the pricing model that you want to use for contract value calculation and pricing of renewed items. For information about how contract values are calculated for each pricing model, see Contract Value Calculation.
Days Before Renewal |
Enter the number of days prior to a contract's end date when a renewal transaction is generated. Default value is 90. You can override this preference for specific contracts by specifying a value in the Contract Days Before Renewal field on the contract record. For more information, see Editing a Contract. |
Default Renewal Period |
Enter the default renewal term in months. |
Transaction Type to Create |
Select the type of transaction that is created by the renewal process.
When creating a renewal transaction form mapping, the transaction type on the mapping must match the value set in this preference. Otherwise, the contract will not be renewed. To create a renewal transaction form mapping, go to Setup > Custom > Renewal Tran Form Mapping > New. |
Assign To |
Select whether the renewal transaction is assigned to a sales representative of the customer or to a specific employee. If you select An Employee, choose an employee in the Assign to Employee/Default field. |
Assign to Employee/Default |
Select the employee to be assigned to renewal transactions by default. |
Transaction Department Based On |
Select how the department is set on the renewal transaction:
Transaction Location Based On |
Select how the location is set on the renewal transaction:
Transaction Class Based On |
Select how the class is set on the renewal transaction:
Include Tran Line Description |
Check this box to copy transaction line descriptions to renewal transaction lines. Transaction line descriptions are always copied to contract item records. |
Default Customer Discount Renewals |
Check this box to apply customer discounts on renewal transactions by default. |
M/S In-Line Discount |
Check this box to apply a line item discount to maintenance and support items. This preference applies only when the Inline Discounting on Trans preference is checked. |
Combine Like Items |
Check this box to combine similar line items on renewal transactions. Line items are combined if the item, end date, and list rate all match.
When items have different discount rates, no discount rate will be applied to the combined item.
When the original transaction contains same items that use custom price levels with different list rates, these items are not combined if the Renewals License Pricing Model is either Current License List Rate — Price Level on Contract with Custom Price Handling or Historical License List Rate — From Tran Line. Otherwise, the said same items are combined. |
Require Same Discount when Combining Like Items |
Check this box to combine like items only when the items have the same discount rates. |
Apply Upsell and Downsell on Renewal Transaction |
Check this box if you want to include upsell and downsell items when generating contract items on renewal transactions. Contract items will be classified by order type on the renewal transaction. Added items are classified as upsell and removed items are classified as downsell. Clear this box if you want to include only the final items (after upsell and downsell orders are applied to the original contract) when generating contract items for renewal transactions. |
Item “Renew With” Sync
Field |
Description |
Enable Script R09 |
Check this box to enable the script that obtains the Renew With value from the item record and copies it to the corresponding field on the contract item record. |
Contract Item Search |
Select the saved search used by the process that updates the Renew With field on contract item records based on the updated item records. |
Item Fields Validation
Field |
Description |
Enable Script R10 |
Check this box to enable the script that validates item details on item records. |
Contract Item Fields
Field |
Description |
Enable Script R12A |
Check this box to enable the script that validates contract item details. |
Enable Script R12B |
Check this box to enable the script that calculates the contract’s current value and its renew value. |
Related Topics
- Software Vertical Contract Renewals
- Contract Renewals Overview
- Setting Up Contract Renewals
- New Forms, Fields, and Records for Contract Renewals
- Contract Creation Process
- Contract Renewals Process
- Managing Contracts
- Scripting Contract and Contract Item Records
- Software Vertical Contract Renewals References