Voiding a UPS®Order
You can void a UPS shipment after you fulfill a sales order in your NetSuite account and UPS has not received the package. This cancels the UPS order and your account is not charged. You cannot void an order after it has been scanned by a UPS driver or drop-off location.
To void a UPS shipment:
Go to Transactions > Sales > Fulfill Orders > List.
Beside the fulfillment you want to void, click Edit.
In the Actions list, click Delete.
In the delete box, select a Deletion Reason.
Enter the reason for deleting this fulfillment in the Memo field.
Click Delete.
If this order has a UPS integrated shipping item, you receive a message confirming whether the UPS order was voided.
If the void is successful, the fulfillment is deleted and UPS will not pickup the order or charge your account. You cannot print a barcode label.
If the void is unsuccessful, the fulfillment is still deleted, but a system alert is set up to remind you to contact UPS to manually void the order.
The most common reasons for an unsuccessful void are:
The package has already been scanned by a UPS driver or drop-off location.
More than 24 hours has elapsed since the tracking number / label was issued.