Applying Discounts to FedEx®Rates
NetSuite enables you to display discounted shipping rates to your customers if you receive discounts from FedEx or you want to offer a discount to your customers.
Discounted FedEx rates can be offered when you use real-time rates. To learn more, see FedEx Real-Time Rates (U.S. and Canada).
To offer free shipping, use promotions or create a shipping item with a flat rate of $0.00. Do not set the discount rate on an existing shipping item to 0. To learn, see Promotions and Free Shipping With an Item.
To offer a discount for a FedEx shipping method:
Go to Lists > Accounting > Shipping Items.
Edit the shipping item record for the method on which you want to offer a discount.
Click the Shipping Rate subtab.
Select FedEx Real-Time Rate.
In the Discount Rate field, enter a number to multiply the rate by to receive the correct discount.
For example, to offer a 25% discount, enter 0.75.
Click Save.
The discounted rate is displayed on transactions and in your website.