Creating Shipping Items with FedEx Integration
To use FedEx integration, create shipping items that are marked for integration.
After you create a FedEx integrated shipping item, you can enter sales orders with the integrated shipping item selected in the Ship Via field. When you fulfill an order, your FedEx account is charged with the FedEx shipping method rate.
Before you can create a FedEx-integrated shipping item, you must Getting Started with FedEx®Integration
To create a shipping item with FedEx Integration:
Go to Lists > Accounting > Shipping Items > New.
Enter a shipping item Ship Name.
Enter the shipping item Display Name/Code to appear on invoices, your Web store, and centers such as the Customer Center.
In all other places, the Ship Name is displayed.
Enter a shipping item Description.
To make this shipping item no longer appear on a list, check the Inactive box.
To make this shipping item available in your website, check the Display in Web Site box.
On the Shipping Labels subtab, check the Shipping Label Integration box.
In the list beside the Shipping Label Integration box, select a shipping method.
This selection determines the rate FedEx charges your account and which barcode shipping label will be created.
In the Shipping Rate subtab, select the Account to record income for this shipping item.
Select the rate you want to charge:
FedEx Real-Time Rate – Select which real-time rate to use for this shipping item.
Enter a decimal form discount rate in the Discount Rate field.
For example, to offer a 25% discount, enter 0.75.
If this item qualifies, check the FedEx One Rate box.
To learn more, see FedEx One Rate®.
To charge shipping fees by item weight, select By Weight.
Enter the amount to charge.
Enter the Increment. For example, 1, 1.5, 2, and so on.
Select the unit of measure: lb, oz, kg, or g.
To not allow partial increments, check the In Whole Increments box.
To charge a shipping fee for each item, select By Item and then enter the Default Charge amount for shipping on a per-item basis.
You can enter custom, per-item shipping charges on individual item records.
To charge a percentage of the total charge as the shipping fee, select Percent of Total and then enter a number in the % field.
To charge shipping based on a range, select Shipping Table.
To charge shipping based on ranges of order totals, select Order Total.
To charge shipping based on ranges of package weight, select Weight and then select a unit of measurement.
Click Save.