Authorizing Employee Commission

When you authorize a commission you verify that the calculated commission amounts are correct. Authorization creates a commission payable transaction, and may give accounting approval to cut a payment check.

Before the commission can be paid to the employee, it must be authorized by the employee's supervisor. You can authorize only eligible commission. For more information about eligible commission, see Commission Eligibility.

You can also set a preference to require accounting approval for commission payable transactions.

To set this preference, go to Setup > Sales > Sales Management > Commissions (Administrator). Check the Require Accounting Approval of Employee Commissions box, and then click Save.

You can pay commissions to employees either on their paychecks or on a separate payable check.

If you use SuitePeople U.S. Payroll, you can pay commission on paychecks. An administrator can go to Setup > Payroll > Setup Tasks > Set Up Payroll (Administrator) > Preferences subtab. Check the Pay Employee Commissions on Paychecks by Default box and then click Save.

If you do not pay commissions on paychecks, approved commission transactions generate commission payable bills. An administrator can do this at Transactions > Payables > Pay Bills (Administrator).

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