Mapping Custom Lead Fields

If the Lead Conversion feature is enabled in your account, you can map custom fields on your lead records to custom fields on contact, opportunity, and task records. When you convert a lead, the values of these custom fields are automatically carried over. However, you can map only fields that are of the same type. For example, you cannot map a text field to a list or record field. For information about creating custom fields for lead records, see Creating Custom Entity Fields.

When you map a custom lead field, only the contact, opportunity, and task custom fields of the same type appear for mapping. Fields of other types do not appear.

To map lead custom fields:

  1. Go to Setup > Sales > Lead Conversion Mapping.

  2. To automatically add the following types of custom fields, click Auto Map Fields:

    • Custom entity fields that are set to show on customer and contact records.

    • Custom entity fields with names that match custom transaction fields that are applied to opportunities.

    • Custom entity fields with names that match CRM custom fields that are applied to tasks.

  3. For any additional fields:

    1. Select the custom field you want to map in the Custom Lead Field column.

    2. Choose the custom fields in the columns for contacts, opportunities, and tasks that you want to map the custom lead field to.

    3. If you do not want the information in the lead field to be included in one of these other records, do not select a mapped field for that record type.

    4. Repeat these steps for each custom lead field you want to map.

  4. Click Save.

When you convert the lead record, NetSuite copies the information in the mapped custom fields to the fields on the contact, opportunity, and task.

If you delete a custom field on your lead form, you lose all of your mapping information for that field. You also lose your mapping if you change the type of custom field (from text field to a date field, for example). If you remove the custom field from a record, NetSuite maintains the mapping but the data is hidden. If you later add the field to the record again, NetSuite restores the mapping automatically.

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