Clearing the Cache for Pivot Tables and Charts

The Clear cache option clears cached data from workbook pivot tables and charts so that you can retrieve the most current results. You can verify when the data was last updated by checking the date and time displayed in the upper-right corner of the pivot table or chart Viewer. The following steps describe how you can clear the cache for your open pivot tables and charts.

To clear the cache for pivot tables and charts:

  1. On the Pivot or Chart tab, click the menu icon Field menu icon in the upper right corner of the Viewer.

    A popup message appears asking if you want to clear the cache.

  2. Choose how you want to proceed:

    • Clear cache-Clears the cache for the entire workbook. The time and date in the upper-right corner of the Viewer is updated to reflect when the data was updated.

    • Cancel-The cache is not cleared. Data is updated following the default caching process.

  3. If you clear the cache, a popup message appears asking you to refresh all pivot tables and charts and an icon is displayed next to each pivot table and chart in the workbook. There are three available icons:

    • Warning icon Warning icon-The displayed results are not up to date according to the date and time shown in the Last updated field. To retrieve the most current results, click the Refresh icon Refresh report icon.

    • Loading icon Loading icon-The data is currently being updated according to the date and time shown in the Last updated field. After the refresh is completed, the icon changes to either the pivot or chart icon.

    • Pivot Pivot iconand Chart icons Chart icon-The data displayed is up to date according to the date and time shown in the Last updated field.

  4. To retrieve the most current results in each open pivot table and chart, click the Refresh icon Refresh report icon in each tab.

For more information about the Pivot table and Chart tabs, see Pivot Tab and Chart Tab.

To better understand the caching process of SuiteAnalytics Workbook, see Understanding Data Caching in Pivot Tables and Charts.

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