SCIS Settings for Orders
The SCIS Settings record includes settings for orders submitted using SuiteCommerce InStore (SCIS).
To define settings for SCIS orders:
Go to Commerce > InStore > (Global Settings) Settings.
Click Edit next to an existing SCIS Settings record to make changes.
Click the Order subtab to define the following:
Charge Payments – Check this box to ensure that credit card payments are charged. You can clear the box while you are testing your SCIS implementation on Sandbox, or while troubleshooting.
Signature Folder – Enter the name of the folder in which you want to store signature images. If you have not created a folder for credit card signatures, then the folder is automatically created with the first credit card transaction that requires a signature.
Signature File Type – Enter the file type you use for signature images. In most cases, enter .png.
Note:The payment partner managing your payment devices (PIN pads) determine if and how signatures are required for credit card payments.
Voided Item – Select the item record you use to represent voided line data. This item must be a non-taxable, non-inventory item with a price of zero (0).
Rounding Item – (Required if you use multiple currencies) Select the item record used to represent the rounding amount for Payment Methods that use rounding. SCIS already provides this item by default. Ensure the rounding item is selected here. For more information, read Setting up Currency Rounding for SCIS.
Search Transaction by Serial Number – Check this box to enable the search of transactions by serial number or lot number. If this box is checked, you can find a transaction using the serial number or the lot number of an item on the transaction.
Note:Using this setting may impact performance.
Execute Client Scripts – Enables the system to execute AvaTax integration code as Client Scripts. This setting can help improve performance in SCIS, but it can affect transactions. Leave this box cleared if you do not use AvaTax, or you use AvaTax and your account does not experience any slowness when entering or working with orders.
Warning:SCIS only supports client scripts for use with AvaTax integrations. You are responsible for testing and maintaining the client scripts that you create. Ensure your scripts work properly with each managed bundle update.
Enable Split Tender Refund s -Check this box to enable paying refunds to customers using two or more payment methods on the same transaction.
Search Transaction Using Exact Match -When the box is cleared, SCIS search returns a list of transactions based on the first characters of the transaction identifier. When the box is checked, SCIS search returns transactions based on exact match.
Optimize EMV – Check this box to enable a performance enhancement. When this box is checked, SCIS submits a customer payment and invoice during the EMV device priming process. Because customer payments do not calculate taxes, or typically run several user event scripts, this optimization speeds up the process of submitting a sales transaction. When the box is cleared, a cash sale is created during the EMV device priming process.
This check box affects specific types of sales transactions:
Sales transactions where the entire amount is processed using an EMV payment method.
Sales transactions where an EMV payment method is the first one used in a split payment of more than one payment method.
Optimize EMV uses the Invoice in Advance of Fulfillment accounting option. For information about how Optimize EMV works for Pickup or Shipment orders, see Invoice in Advance of Fulfillment with Optimize EMV.
Important:Optimize EMV changes the payment process. If you want to use this setting, enable it in your sandbox account first and perform tests using sales and return transactions.
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