Create Custom Content Types for SMT

A custom content type (CCT) lets you create custom functionality as content that you can dynamically manage using the Site Management Tools (SMT). Implementing CCTs for SCA requires two separate, but related, activities.

If you are implementing the Kilimanjaro release of SCA, you must first create a custom SCA module to contain the JavaScript, HTML, Sass, and resources required for your CCT. This topic explains how to accomplish this. The second activity involves setting up custom records in NetSuite for your custom content type using SMT.

See Site Management Tools Custom Content Type for details on setting up your CCT using Site Management Tools.


If you are customizing the Aconcagua release of SCA or later, you must create CCTs using extensions. See Create a Custom Content Type.


You must have SMT enabled in your NetSuite account to implement CCTs on your SCA website. See Site Management Tools for information on how to set up SMT.

This procedure explains how to:

  1. Create a Custom Module for Your CCT.

  2. Create an Entry Point File.

  3. Create a View File.

  4. Create a Template File.

  5. Set Up Your ns.package.json and distro.json Files

  6. Deploy your code to your NetSuite account.

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