Removing Paychecks from a Batch

You can remove individual paychecks from a batch before it is committed.

To remove paychecks from a batch

  1. Go to Transactions > Employees > Create Payroll > List. Click Edit or View next to the batch from which you want to remove paychecks.

    You can select paychecks to remove from the following locations on the Payroll Batch page:

    • Employees to Pay list on batches that have not been calculated

    • Pending subtab

    • Paycheck subtab of Complete subtab

    • Net Pay subtab of Complete subtab

    • Errors subtab

  2. To display only particular paychecks, you can filter the listed paychecks. The filter criteria is additive. Only paychecks that meet all criteria are displayed. The total number of paychecks available is included at the top of the list. The number of paychecks that meet the filter criteria is displayed in red next to the total number. The filters include the following:

    • Workplace – Select a workplace from the list.

      For more information, see Entering Workplace Records for Payroll.

    • Employee Department – Select a department from the list.

    • Employee Class Select a class from the list.

      For more information, see Departments and Classes Overview.

    • Saved Search – Select a saved search from the list.

      For more information, see Saved Searches.

    • Employee Name – Type characters in the field to search for a specific employee or multiple employees with the same character set in their names.

    • Employee ID-Type the corresponding ID for this employee.

  3. Click Mark All or check individual boxes in the Select column to select the paychecks you want to remove from the batch.

  4. Click Delete Paychecks.

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