Creating SCIS Custom Attributes

This section provides information on how to define custom attributes for SuiteCommerce Instore (SCIS). Use the SCIS Settings record to define attributes for display in certain zones on SCIS pages that support customization. From the SCIS Settings record, you can create an SCIS Custom Attribute record to define various properties, including the fields you want to show, and the zones where they should display.

You can add multiple attributes to one zone. There is no limit to the number of attributes allowed in a particular zone, and no character limits in the attributes you define.

To create custom attributes for SCIS:

  1. Go to Commerce > InStore > Custom Attributes.

  2. Click a subtab named for the area you want to customize.

  3. Click New SCIS Custom Attributes.

    1. Label – Enter a label for the field. The text you enter in this field displays in SCIS.

    2. Field ID – Enter a field ID for an item attribute, or a field ID associated with the customer record.

      The way you define properties for custom attributes is different depending on the area you want to customize. Read the following for more information:

    3. Zone – Select the area where you want to display a custom attribute: right, left, top, or bottom.


      If you see Undefined in the Zone column, select a different value for the zone. Custom attributes associated with a zone that is undefined, does not display in SCIS.

      The following list shows the zones that apply to each SCIS area:

    4. Allowed Roles – Define the roles that can view the custom attributes you define.

    5. Order – If you have more than one attribute in a zone, enter the order in which you want each one to display. You can enter numbers or letters in this field.

    6. Parent select lists – Select the SCIS Settings record you want the custom attributes associated with.

Product Detail Page, Item Search, and Cart

To define custom attributes for the PDP, item search results page, and cart, you must use field IDs defined in the details field set. You can use any field ID defined in field sets associated with your SCIS website. If a field ID does not exist in the list of field sets, then it cannot appear as an attribute.

To use a field ID in your SCIS website:

  1. Go to Commerce > Websites.

  2. Click the Field Sets subtab.

    Any field ID listed in the Details field set can be a valid attribute. The following screenshot shows one example of a field ID you can use to define a custom attribute. You can use any field ID that appears in the Fields Included in Field Set column.

  3. Select the desired field ID.

  4. Click Save.

Product Detail Page

The screenshot below shows the zones you can select when creating custom attributes for display on product detail pages. You can use zones: (1) Top, (2) Bottom, or (3) Left to customize the PDP.

Zones on Product Detail page

Item Search

The following screenshot shows the top zone, available for customization in the item search grid view. Note that the list view does not support custom attribute fields.

Top Zone of Item Search Grid


The screenshot below shows the zones in the cart, where you can display custom attributes. You can use zones: (1) Right, or (2) Left to customize the Cart.

Zones in the Cart

Customer Profile and Customer Search Results

You can define custom attributes for display on the Customer Profile and in customer search results. The fields available are pulled from the columns configured for customer saved searches. This includes fields that are displayed in the following searches, SCIS Individual Customer Form Fields and SCIS Individual Company Form Fields.

Customer Profile

The following screenshot shows the zones on the customer profile where you can display custom attributes. You can use zones: (1) Left, or (2) Right.

Zones on Customer Profile

Customer Search

The following screenshot shows the zones on the customer profile where you can display custom attributes. You can use zones: (1) Top, or (2) Bottom.

Zones on Customer Profile for Custom Attributes

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