Store Locator Google Maps Subtab
These settings specify the Google Maps properties for use with the Store Locator feature.
This feature and its settings require:
SuiteCommerce Advanced -Vinson and later
More Information: Store Locator
Google > API Key
This string specifies the Google Maps API key for the Store Locator feature.
The Store Locator feature uses the Google Maps JavaScript API. For this feature to work properly on your site, you must acquire an authentication API key from Google.
ID |
storeLocator.apiKey |
UI location |
Store Locator > Store Locator Google Maps |
JSON file |
StoreLocatorGoogle.json |
Google > Center Position Latitude
This number specifies the default Google-specific latitude position (as a string) to center the map when geolocation is disabled.
ID |
storeLocator.mapOptions.centerPosition.latitude |
UI location |
Store Locator > Store Locator Google Maps |
JSON file |
StoreLocatorGoogle.json |
Google > Center Position Longitude
This number specifies the default Google-specific longitude position (as a string) to center the map when geolocation is disabled.
ID |
storeLocator.mapOptions.centerPosition.longitude |
UI location |
Store Locator > Store Locator Google Maps |
JSON file |
StoreLocatorGoogle.json |
Google > Zoom Level
This number specifies the Google-specific default map zoom level. The default is 11.
ID |
storeLocator.mapOptions.zoom |
UI location |
Store Locator > Store Locator Google Maps |
JSON file |
StoreLocatorGoogle.json |
Google > MapTypeControl
This Boolean value enables or disables the Google-specific Map Type Control. The Map Type Control lets the shopper choose the map type (roadmap, satellite, etc.). If this property is set to true, the map displays this control in the upper left corner of the map. Setting this property to false disables this control.
ID |
storeLocator.mapOptions.mapTypeControl |
UI location |
Store Locator > Store Locator Google Maps |
JSON file |
StoreLocatorGoogle.json |
Google > StreetViewControl
This Boolean value enables or disables the Google-specific Street View Pegman icon. The Pegman icon is a Google-specific control that can be dragged onto the map to enable Street View. If this property is set to true, the map displays this control in the lower right corner of the map. Setting this property to false disables the control.
ID |
storeLocator.mapOptions.streetViewControl |
UI location |
Store Locator > Store Locator Google Maps |
JSON file |
StoreLocatorGoogle.json |
Google > MapTypeID
This string specifies the Google-specific default map type. Options include (as string):
roadmap – displays the default road map view (default)
satellite – displays Google Earth satellite images
hybrid – displays a mixture of normal and satellite views
terrain – displays a physical map based on terrain information
ID |
storeLocator.mapOptions.mapTypeId |
UI location |
Store Locator > Store Locator Google Maps |
JSON file |
StoreLocatorGoogle.json |