Adding a Placeholder for New Fields in the Asset Report

The report line custom record links the asset record to the report. An entry in the custom record represents a line item in the asset report. When you add a field to this custom record, you are creating a placeholder for the asset value that you want to add to the report.

To add a field to the report line custom record:

  1. Go to Customization > List, Records, & Fields > Record Types.

  2. Click the corresponding report line record for the report template you want to customize.

    • FAM Asset Register Rep Line – for Asset Register and Asset Listing report

    • FAM Depreciation Schedule Report Line – for Asset Depreciation Schedule report

    • FAM Depreciation Monthly Report Line – for Depreciation Monthly report

  3. On the Custom Report Type page, click New Field on the Fields subtab.

  4. On the FAM Asset Register Rep Line Field or the FAM Depreciation Schedule Report Line Field page, provide values for the following fields:

    • Label – Enter the label of the new field that will appear on the report

    • ID – Enter a unique ID for the field. The ID will be used to add the field to the report template.

    • Type – Select a field type that is similar to the asset field you want to add. See the following table for sample values:

      Asset Field



      Asset Description

      Free-Form Text


      Accounting Method


      FAM Depreciation Method

      Lifetime Usage

      Integer Number


      Depreciation End Date



    • List/Record – If the Type selected is List/Record, select the corresponding list or record for the asset field that you want to add.

    • Store Value – Check this box.

    • Show in List – Check this box.

  5. On the Sourcing & Filtering subtab, provide values for the following fields:

    • Source List – Select Source Asset.


      To ensure that the field you are adding gets its value from the asset record, the Source List must always be set to Source Asset.

    • Source From – Select the asset field to use as a value source for the new field.

    For example, select Asset Status if you want the new field to display the status of the asset on the report.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 to add more fields to the report line custom record.

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