Setup Requirements for eWay Rapid Integration
As of NetSuite 2017.1, retirement of eWAY (XML) integration support will be completed and you will no longer be able to process credit card payments using eWAY (XML) payment processing profiles. To help you in your transition to eWAY Rapid, see Transitioning to a New Gateway and Disabling the Old Gateway.
Follow these steps to set up eWay Rapid in your NetSuite account:
Enable prerequisites. See Enabling prerequisites for eWay Rapid.
Install the Payment Gateway SuiteApp using the following bundle name and ID. See
Bundle name: Payment Gateway
Bundle ID: 47196
For instructions, see Installing the Payment Gateway SuiteApp.
Activate the payment processing plug-in. See To activate the payment processing plug-in:.
To set up eWay Rapid, enable PGP -eWay Rapid.
Create a payment method. See Creating a Payment Method.
For payment methods for eWay Rapid payer authentication, see Creating Payment Methods for eWay Rapid.
Add a new credit card processing profile. See To add a new credit card processing profile:.
For payment processing profiles for eWay Rapid payer authentication, see Setting Up Payment Processing Profiles for eWay Rapid.
Before setting up payment processing profiles, you need the credentials for integration provided by eWay:
For eWAY Rapid – API key and password
For instructions on obtaining your eWay Rapid credentials, see How to Get the API Key and Password for eWAY Rapid.
Use your credentials to set up as many credit card processing profiles for eWAY as needed. For more information about the SuiteApp details and setup, see Setting Up Regional Payment Gateways.
Note:If you want to test eWay Rapid integration, be sure to use test credentials provided by eWay. On your eWay Rapid payment processing profile, enter the test credentials and then check the Test Mode box.
Enabling prerequisites for eWay Rapid
To use multiple currencies for eWAY Rapid, you must enable the Multiple Currencies feature in your account. For more information, see Enabling the Multiple Currencies Feature.
Before setting up payer authentication for eWay Rapid, be sure to enable the prerequisites for your web store. Go to Setup > Site Builder > Set Up Web Site, and then open the record for your web store. On the Web Site Setup page, click the Shopping subtab to do the following:
In the Payments Page section, check the box for Allow non-credit card payment methods during Checkout. This preference displays the external checkout payment method on your web store.
In the Shopping Basics section, check the box for Require Authorisation for Credit Card Transactions.
In the Checkout Preferences section, select Standard Sales Order from the list in the Sales Order Type field. You can also select a custom form that you created from the Standard Sales Order form.
For more information about setting up web store preferences, see Shopping Preferences. For web store settings specific to payment methods, see Alternative Non-Credit Card Payment Methods for Web Store Orders.
For other requirements for eWay Rapid payer authentication, see Payer Authentication for eWay Rapid.