Product Merchandising Rule Caching

Product merchandising rules are cached to improve performance. The default cache time before a new merchandising rule becomes active is approximately two hours. If you want to reduce the cache time, you must make changes to the DM_SS_Library.js in the Product Merchandising bundle.

Caching for product merchandising rules is defined in two instances of the TTL = attribute. The default is set to MAX_TTL, which is the standard two-hour cache. To reduce the default time to approximately five minutes, change each instance to MIN_TTL.

Note that reducing caching times can impact performance.

          function setTTL(paramValue){
       //ttl is not defined
      if(paramValue == null || paramValue == undefined || paramValue == ''){
         ttl = MAX_TTL;
         return ttl;

      //ttl is defined but invalid
      var paramValueInt = parseInt(paramValue);
      if(isNaN(paramValueInt) || paramValueInt < MIN_TTL || paramValueInt > MAX_TTL){
         ttl = MAX_TTL;
         return ttl;
         ttl = paramValueInt;
         return paramValueInt;


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